As a female, I don't understand why other females get so mad about this 23 comments
· 10 years ago
lol have fun losers 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Why maps ? They have these guys from the houses that lead them to their rooms
Edited 10 years ago
Every. Single. Time 6 comments
Tesla was the real genius 21 comments
· 10 years ago
If u say so,lol. It's still a fact that you don't invent a natural phenomenon. Downvote me all u want - it won't change it
Tesla was the real genius 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Its like saying Isaac Newton invented gravity... You dont invent stuff like that, you prove your own theory! And in 1904 Tesla did just that...
Tesla was the real genius 21 comments
Power to the books!!! 20 comments
· 10 years ago
You can have the whole library of Alexandria on the e-reader and it wouldn't even be half full!
Books where invented to store and share information!
As long as there will be electricity, books will be inferior to e-readers! I don't own a e-reader this is my neutral opinion. So you can downvote me now
Books where invented to store and share information!
As long as there will be electricity, books will be inferior to e-readers! I don't own a e-reader this is my neutral opinion. So you can downvote me now
I'm a leader but... 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Then You are not a real leader, coward!
As a leader you can be scared but you are never allowed to show it! Because followers look up to you
As a leader you can be scared but you are never allowed to show it! Because followers look up to you
Friend cut down a tree which had a small cavity in its trunk 9 comments
· 10 years ago
For the people crying that the Tree was cut down!
The tree has "kernfäule" German word translates ruffly to centerrot! The tree would have died some time later on its own !
Edited 10 years ago
The tree has "kernfäule" German word translates ruffly to centerrot! The tree would have died some time later on its own !
These are the real questions 5 comments
It's really annoying 52 comments
· 10 years ago
So true, its cool that some people Love actors so much they want to keep pictures of him. But isn't this site meant to post funny stuff, which should make us laugh ? And seeing just the original face of an actor I've seen a million times on TV is not funny - and when every 5th post is an actor smiling at the camera it just shows how uncreative this site has gotten!
Now go ahead and downvote me
Now go ahead and downvote me
Party like there is no tomorow 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, the first night on the gallow is the worst.... After that you get the hang of it
Going to try this 6 comments
· 10 years ago
The first thing they do is google the other person... And then they would see it...
Shopping with girlfriend 12 comments
Cool life hacks: Human psychology version 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah I just shit on the floor when I need to remember something the next day and it works every time !
The Meaning Of a Sunset 5 comments
Did you know what Japan did in World War II 35 comments