They tried to make my account a bot account. They shall not prevail!!!
— Novelus٭ Report User
Checkmate atheists 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Because the scientists were too busy thinking that they could, instead of thinking if they should.
"Can you clean and cook tho" 32 comments
Waiter doodled on receipts at Denny’s 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Deadpool breaks the 4th wall, so he could totally be a Disney Princess. All he has to do is ask, and nobody is gonna deny him.
Waiter doodled on receipts at Denny’s 4 comments
When male celebrities becomes females 47 comments
When male celebrities becomes females 47 comments
When male celebrities becomes females 47 comments
When male celebrities becomes females 47 comments
Real world implications 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Abby's Cafe Pows were Cherry koolaid. Gibbs' cups have tea in them, not coffee.
That's a good trainer 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Exactly right. I was weaving off of the comment of having a trainer/teacher with the same issue being able to help you through it. That does not actually work. Trainers are meant to help you, no matter thwir background. The same as a regular teacher. I was giving a perspective.
That's a good trainer 13 comments
· 6 years ago
How so? The teacher could have grown up in a neighborhood where things were extremely difficult, and found ways to deal with things. The teacher overcame the nrgative impacts of the area they grew up in and made something of themselves. That allows thw students to see that there is something better out there than the four walls of the neighborhood in question.
That's a good trainer 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Should that not be for all those who teach others? Have teachers in schools that have lived a similar life that the students have, so they can relate?
Let's hope it worked 41 comments
· 6 years ago
It keeps him from ruining the family? Yeah. That is a logical explanation. "I cheat to keep this family together". Any believability to your post went out the window because of that idiotic remark.