Hello there ^_^ I don't have much to put really ehmm...
-I love The Beatles
-I like girls and photography and stuff :D x
Before & after ringo starr street art 2 comments
· 8 years ago
yayy a fellow fan :D
Two types of girls on Christmas 16 comments
Irish speed sign 8 comments
· 9 years ago
ah no twud be grand keep well in to the ditch and take it handy on the bend ;)
Rats are so misunderstood 26 comments
· 9 years ago
yeah this one looks moderatley cute, but the ones we have around here aren't, one bit my dog on the nose earlier >.<
Whale oil beef hooked! 28 comments
#LoveWins 19 comments
· 9 years ago
so, seeing comments of the people who claim that god hates gays reminded me of a Russell Brand video I was watching the other day. He made the point that if god/jesus/whoever was so opposed to the notion of homosexuality then why was the whole man shall not lie with man bit one of the ten commandments? Why not put it in the one main set of rules set out for christian people? Idk I just thought twas quite an interesting point. I'm not against religion or anything, I was brought up Catholic and most of my family are quite religious. Okay I've said my bit *slowly dissipates into the shadows*
Comparing School Systems 42 comments
· 10 years ago
Ireland is kinda confusing, you start in "junior infants" then "senior infants" then "1st class" 2nd/3rd/.../6th class and then you leave primary school at 12/13 and go to secondary school which goes from 1st year to 6th year
ladies and gentlemen, I give you John Lennon 8 comments
ladies and gentlemen, I give you John Lennon 8 comments
· 10 years ago
this is from their film "A Hard Days Night" so it would've been scripted anyway. As far as genuine interviews go, nothing was scripted, they were just generally witty people, Lennon in particular.
To be honest I was shocked that this actually worked 6 comments
· 10 years ago
it does work with packaged ones, you can also use crackers in place of the bread, but why do you want to make the cookies soft? :o
Edited 10 years ago
A truly dedicated son 15 comments
No.. No hetero? 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I've been looking for a situation to say that for a long time but it still hasn't come up
Good guy Hammond 9 comments
This must be the work of Led Zeppelin... ;) 7 comments
Sums Up My Crush History 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I must say if a person I found attractive turned out to be gay I would be the complete opposite of disappointed...
I carn't spell 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I love how paul just looks like "not again, I give up.Ringo you had one job"