Call of Smash 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Best game of my childhood :)
Big props to you 39 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah thank you taboo and dahlia, it took me cutting up my face with a razor before my parents got me meds and a psychiatrist :( hopefully it never gets that extreme for anyone else. (Also I know that sounds like I'm batshit crazy but I'm in a better situation now trust me)
Big props to you 39 comments
"I ate my dog. Taste was good." 13 comments
Accurate 2 comments
· 9 years ago
I accidentally followed Michael Cera for a few blocks at Sundance (we were going the same direction) and I spent the entire damn time trying to figure out which person it was. Only ended up making awkward eye contact and not talking. One of my biggest regrets...
To those of us born around Christmas 18 comments
Florida man crimes 23 comments
Hail Linda 9 comments
The world right now. 10 comments
· 9 years ago
"The condition of the two parachuting pilots remained unclear. Alpaslan Celik, the second-in-command of a Turkmen rebel force, told multiple media outlets that rebels at the scene fatally shot the pilots. A Turkish official, however, told Reuters that his government believes the pilots are alive and that authorities were working to secure their release."
That's from an article on USAToday, I only knew that the pilots had ejected before the plane crashed, I was not aware of their fate once they reached the ground.
That's from an article on USAToday, I only knew that the pilots had ejected before the plane crashed, I was not aware of their fate once they reached the ground.
The world right now. 10 comments
I feel this on a spiritual level 21 comments
The world right now. 10 comments
· 9 years ago
To be fair, Russia shot down a passenger plane full of civilians and barely got any shit for it. Every single one of them died, and if I remember correctly, the pilots of that Russian jet ejected safely.
That time of year again 22 comments