

Occams_Gillette Report User
That's why men has trust issues . 18 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
I hope you mean "working out" and not "whoring out."
Truth be told 14 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Except his life? You trippin.
First fight box 6 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Who the fuck has their first fight after they're married?
18 useful food replacement hacks 37 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Replace food you can afford with food you can't!
The fifties 38 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
if you can reasonably compare your penis to a straw I give you my deepest condolences.
Its pretty, give me likes 9 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Thanks for the gif of someone mutilating plant genitalia... I guess.
Family ordered by number 6 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
ooh that makes so much more sense.
Family ordered by number 6 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
there's no way that girl in the 16 shirt is one year old.
Art 4 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Who the fuck wears a corset underneath a regular shirt?
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Why are you telling me to STFU? All I said was that things are more unaffordable than they were in the 70s and that people are struggling. Why is this such a controversial topic?
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Wow I didn't imply ANY of that and yet you threaten me with violence? I'm an adult who has also moved several times, and I'm sharing my experience as an example of how inconsiderate it is to assume that everyone has it as good as you do. And you have the audacity to tell me I need to be beaten. Literally go fuck yourself. Also you don't LIVE in the united states unless you're just lying out your ass about Yugoslavia (and I wonder if you are because Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore) How old are you that you lived in Yugoslavia when it was still a country? Are you just some grown ass adult literally screaming about irrelevant things? Making up random shit about snow blowers and toasters? Literally what the fuck is wrong with you.
· Edited 8 years ago
You're like an avocado 10 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Who the fuck doesn't like avocado!?
clear 35 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
these dudes are obviously hunting for sport? You always manage to come up with the most irrelevant arguments.
clear 35 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
That wasn't the question. I was refuting his who was saying that they're overpopulated pests.
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
The point is that everything else has inflated by multiples of 5 and 6 and 7 while wages have only doubled, so things are more unaffordable than before.
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
@eternal1 "As of January 2017, average apartment rent within the city of of Cupertino, CA is $3004. One bedroom apartments in Cupertino rent for $2463 a month on average and two bedroom apartment rents average $3200." https://www.rentjungle.com/average-rent-in-cupertino-rent-trends/ What the fuck was your point? Congratulations for you you can afford to live in a fucking expensive place to live. Why don't YOU move? Your reading comprehension is shit.
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
2000-3000 is a LOT of money for some people. I know it is for me.
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Have you ever tried to live in Sacramento? Or, god forbid, the San Francisco Bay Area? My girlfriend lives in Mesa Arizona and has a TINY house and still has to pay more than 1400 a month. and before you say "then move to somewhere where it's less expensive to live" moving itself is INCREDIBLY expensive. Think before you speak.
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
http://www.frbsf.org/education/publications/doctor-econ/2002/october/inflation-factors-rise/ inflation is a serious issue with many complicated factors. You can't just make shit up to make yourself feel better. Educate yourself.
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
That's probably the dumbest analysis I've ever heard.
*wiggles eyebrows* 36 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
You think... homophobic slurs are funny?
One of the advantages of being a lesbian 7 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Just gals being pals.
More people died from rejected white boys with weapons and toddlers than muslims in 14 yrs 197 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
If you're not going to read what I have to say then don't bother talking to me. What you just said in no way addressed what I'm arguing. Fuck off with that weak shit, it doesn't fly.
· Edited 8 years ago