Medieval art 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Medieval artists didn't pay much attention to detail or making their paintings look very realistic. This is why they can often look like cartoons. This picture of Madonna and Child clearly depicts that. It lacks light, detail and a background. The picture also includes a light halo around the heads and no background. Medieval paintings often depicted religious events and figures and rarely anything else. Later in the Renaissance people paid more attention to light and shadows, detail, backgrounds and painting less religious content, such as Pagan events and figures.
There's your Medieval art lesson for today.
There's your Medieval art lesson for today.
Comment The Rudest Thing Anybody Has Ever Said To You ♥ 294 comments
· 10 years ago
Please don't believe them! I lost my best friend of 3 years and she just left me... then continued to make my life hell a year after. I'm no longer associated with her. I know it's difficult but you will get through it. Anyone who says something like that doesn't deserve someone as cool as you!
Comment The Rudest Thing Anybody Has Ever Said To You ♥ 294 comments
· 10 years ago
"Yea you should just kill yourself"
When I've contemplated it seriously for months. Said by friend of 3 years.
I also have the runner ups:
"You will never have a boyfriend or friends, you whore"
"You're fat" (I'm anorexic now- from own sister)
"You could lose some weight" (when I was actually underweight. I kid you not.)
When I've contemplated it seriously for months. Said by friend of 3 years.
I also have the runner ups:
"You will never have a boyfriend or friends, you whore"
"You're fat" (I'm anorexic now- from own sister)
"You could lose some weight" (when I was actually underweight. I kid you not.)
NO RETURNS! 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Canadians can't handle this country without morphing into something like him. Take Bieber back and he'll go back to normal. We're begging, here.
There's a violinist in all of us 17 comments
If abortion should be illegal 31 comments
· 11 years ago
It makes me feel great that a bunch of old, conservative men even have an opinion on what women can have done to their body or what's in it. What the hell
No one seems to care about this 10 comments
· 11 years ago
school buses are positioned higher....... therefore the passengers aren't in as much danger in the case of an accident
What guys look for in girls 48 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm in the same shoes as lonley.... I'm 16..... my sister is 13... I did not like this video. I personally don't care about appearances... but this is awful to watch. They're being hypocrites. "Be yourself but change for me" -_-
I downvoted bev's comment because girls should not come into the dating world thinking they have to change for a guy. No. I'm 16. Never dated. And I'm happier being single and myself than being in a relationship but fake
I downvoted bev's comment because girls should not come into the dating world thinking they have to change for a guy. No. I'm 16. Never dated. And I'm happier being single and myself than being in a relationship but fake
There is no underwear in space 10 comments
Pop tart gun 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Guys i saw this earlier and at lunch i had a poptart and I said to my friends "Did you see that article about the kid who got suspended for eating a poptart into the shape of a gun?" Some said yea....others said no.
I began eating mine into the shape of a gun then going "pew pew" to my friends..... and I was like.... "It's okay if I get caught. I can argue it was Idaho"
Then the campus supervisors walked by and I was like "OH SHIT" so i ate it...
Just wanted to share
I began eating mine into the shape of a gun then going "pew pew" to my friends..... and I was like.... "It's okay if I get caught. I can argue it was Idaho"
Then the campus supervisors walked by and I was like "OH SHIT" so i ate it...
Just wanted to share
I Love The Natural Look Too.....*cough*…… 16 comments
The customer is always right 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm glad where i work that if you're stupid, you're stupid....... the customer is not always right.... especially if they're as dumb as a pile of bricks
Remember that you're the sperm who won 12 comments
When it's cold and the heater is on 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Am i the only one who felt immensely sad in the "Girls/Girls/Boys" the camera stopped panning?
This is also why sculptures by Michelangelo are so detailed and life like. However, in "The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli, Venus isn't very proportional which is interesting for his time period. Also in "La Primavera", Venus has a halo (a medieval symbol, but usually only meant for Christian figures)