Congrats to everyone finally able to marry who they love ♥♥♥ 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, you go!!! Cheesecake lovers represent.
Best Commercial Ever, Love is Love. 5 comments
Dogs in the army 7 comments
Mgoveia be like 55 comments
· 9 years ago
*Gets feeling that mgoveia already saw this and is ignoring it to piss us off*
Off With Her Head!!!! 43 comments
· 9 years ago
Umm... she actually worked for Disney while those shows were going on. Disney shows have an episode limit and from what i can tell all those shows reached it, she didn't single handedly cause them to cancel.
And also, SHE LEFT DISNEY LAST YEAR. This is insanely old and pretty uninformed.
And also, SHE LEFT DISNEY LAST YEAR. This is insanely old and pretty uninformed.
Finally someone said it! 7 comments
· 10 years ago
What about the people that attend night schools? Does this mean going to night school means you don't learn anything?
you're welcome 9 comments
· 10 years ago
They mean you buy pancakes once, and then after that you can get free pancakes.
Guy pretends to have won an Oscar, walks around Hollywood reaping the benefits 2 comments
· 10 years ago
"I watched your movie dude"
i mean, besides the fact that this is fraud it's pretty awesome.
i mean, besides the fact that this is fraud it's pretty awesome.
Sad zombie 2 comments
A Girl and Three Robbers 12 comments
Tiwighlight 40 comments
· 10 years ago
Ghoul vague c high glucose subhead f u. Ugh fb vascular
I'm on mobile and that worked surprisingly well.
I'm on mobile and that worked surprisingly well.
Bubble wrap phone case 12 comments
The first line of code ever written by a U.S. President was moveForward(100); 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Incase anyone was wondering it was because of a thing called "the hour of code" where students get about an hour to create their own scratch game. I got to do it in school and it's pretty easy, but fun. The website is http://www.hourofcode.com
New favorite bad lip readings XD 10 comments
The Story Behind Bill Nye's Bow Tie 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I went to see him about two months ago and he told the same exact story. Though, the story is much cooler if he's telling it in person.
I see this alot 16 comments