Meh 2 comments
· 9 weeks ago
Nope nope nope. Because then they keep school running and we have to teach the feral little humans in the dark.
Wonderful exuberant weekly 2 comments
· 27 weeks ago
Also the whole family was doing Christmas in France, so they’ve surely got the money…
I don't get it 3 comments
· 48 weeks ago
I don’t think I’ve ever seen an entire episode of Phineas and Ferb, but I still knew exactly what this was referencing
(((companies))) 4 comments
· 49 weeks ago
Yeah, but maybe if the people who ran those companies had to come back as bugs enough times, they might start to realize that it’s a bad plan
Inheriting straight hapless 4 comments
· 1 year ago
Ok, but are these the same people who told that senator that high school bathrooms now have litter boxes in them?
wtfwtfwtfwtf 2 comments
· 2 years ago
I used to have a pre-k student who would yell at the moon every time she saw it during the day. “Go away, moon! It’s morning!”
That aint cool bros 6 comments
· 2 years ago
I was never rude to teachers and always hated when other kids were… with one exception. I had a teacher who constantly screamed viciously at his classes, but I had him the year admin told him he wasn’t allowed to yell at students anymore. And to my classmates who spent every day trying to test when he’d crack, thanks. It was absolutely hilarious.
I used to think it was boring at first 2 comments
Maybe 1 comments
· 2 years ago
I’m not sure it had occurred to me how true this was. Because I don’t know the last time I’ve heard someone use this word to describe this word to mean anything other than “so I really need everyone around me to stop being sad about their personal tragedies because it’s really bumming me out”
Thinking is hard 23 comments
Pleasurable indeed 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Because you turned 40! I assume that’s when parents stop saying that to their kids. It’s sure as hell not when you’re 18.
Ouch 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Because “My wife and I stood in a grocery store line silently ignoring each other for so long that the cashier thought we were strangers.” is less cute.
I NEED to travel for my mental health 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Deep down? My coworkers and I roll in every day and say “I’m skipping tomorrow!” “I think I’ll be ill soon!” “Would anyone like to casually organize a strike??” And then we don’t do any of those things
New tradition 3 comments
· 2 years ago
I think they just mean since garter tosses are normally just for boys and bouquet tosses are just for girls. Eliminating those means that you don’t have awkward situations like a 10 year old girl catching the bouquet or your brother in law catching your new wife’s garter.
Should be allowed on the counter 6 comments
· 3 years ago
You make no money. You have never once paid rent. You do not get to determine where you should be allowed.
Be happy with them. 8 comments
· 3 years ago
My grandma’s (absolute godsend) memory care place had the slogan “Join their Journey”. It was all about meeting them where they were and letting them live rich, fun lives, regardless of if the details of those lives were entirely current.
Fight the cancel culture! 12 comments
· 3 years ago
Those were easy, but I’ve found some are actually quite difficult to find a reason for. A school district near me was trying to ban Moxie (a book about girls protesting sexism and sexual assault in their school) and no one really bothered to give a reason at all.
Good advice 10 comments
· 3 years ago
That’s what I was thinking. I can show respect to someone without having respect for them. Showing respect is essentially the same as being polite or kind.
Sweet child of no school 2 comments
· 3 years ago
My favorite moment working elementary car line was when a kindergartner yelled at his mom “I just don’t understand why you had to sign me up for school!”
Differences people, differences 4 comments
“Are You Pissed?” Advertisement found in Los Angeles 1 comments
· 3 years ago
I know his son Henry’s band!! They’re called THUMP now and they’re the kind of weird that makes me not so surprised that one of them has this guy for a dad.
There's no rule AGAINST wearing a mask 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Because I live in a state with less than a 40% vaccination rate and I’m convinced everyone who’s not a wearing a mask is just pretending they’ve been vaccinated and I don’t want people to think that about me. But that’s just me and my panic brain talking.
Why not upgrade to an air conditioner instead? 2 comments
· 3 years ago
As long as you realize this argument is “things are expensive, why not steal stuff instead?”
Had this saved for years. Every now and again I see it and it makes me laugh 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Excuse me while I gender stereotype, but this seems like the most boy thing ever. As a girl I just can’t imagine that:
1. You didn’t notice the difference between cats. Even from the pic I can tell 2 have beige faces with brown noses, 1 has a brown face and a beige nose, and one has a totally brown face. How did you consistently miss this for 5 years
2. You hung out at this dude’s house for 5 years and NEVER ASKED HIS WHAT HIS CAT’S NAME WAS?
1. You didn’t notice the difference between cats. Even from the pic I can tell 2 have beige faces with brown noses, 1 has a brown face and a beige nose, and one has a totally brown face. How did you consistently miss this for 5 years
2. You hung out at this dude’s house for 5 years and NEVER ASKED HIS WHAT HIS CAT’S NAME WAS?