Nora Morrison


— Nora Morrison Report User
Two words 7 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
Y’all, he’s an anti-vaxxer There has literally never been a worse time to support an anti-vaxxer for president.
Be kind to yourself 2 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
The life mantra we all need.
Civilian Crown Vics should be banned 5 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
And maybe don’t drive seatbeltless while drinking liquids AND taking pictures on your cellphone?
Animals, deciphered 10 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
From birdandmoon. com. It drives my crazy when things like this are posted with the signature/attribution cropped out.
Where are my pineapple and ham pizza loving people? 23 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
This comment weirdly just makes me vaguely jealous of you for getting to hate something so universally hated. I hate hamburgers; I get a bit less universal support for this hate.
*laughs in pirate* But is this meme actually accurate? 4 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
It’s slightly more work, but crime very often is.
Rosa Diaz vs Amy Santiago 6 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
Rosa Diaz vs Stephanie Beatriz (the actress who plays her)
The ultimate weapon 10 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
That absolutely depends on the teacher, though.
#faketextsfrommom 1 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
I mean, I absolutely do this all the time, but I realize it before I send it and include acknowledgment of the silliness. I’m a caretaker for an awesome (but excitable) guy with special needs so I’ve voiced plenty of texts like “ Hi! What are we excuse me goose stop pulling my hair that is not a cool friend move you are not being a cool friend”
100% success rate 13 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
Weirdly enough, “Shot Through the Heart” totally is also a song by Bon Jovi but absolutely is not the one anyone was thinking of.
Move on up and make what you love a career 4 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
They’re called 1UP Tattoo Studios and seem to be doing fine. And yes, everything is back open in Texas.
Epic right there 6 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
When asked if there might be a reboot, writer/producer Bob Gale said, “You know, you don’t sell your kids into prostitution.” So I think that means... no.
Bragging about owning a waterbed without financing and writing LOSER on his players 7 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
It absolutely is. His most recent tweet: “We need to eliminate voting altogether. As a youth football coaching legend, I forbid my players or their parents from voting so they can focus on football. No one ever won a championship ring standing in a voting booth looking like a dumbass.”
Relatable 9 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
I fully agree with this. I’m in an industry now that give PTO and encourages you to call in when you need to, but it’s a whole different world in the restaurant industry. I know someone who faked sick to go to a funeral because they were scared that if they actually tried to switch shifts beforehand and couldn’t, they would get caught “faking sick” and would get in trouble. It’s a different environment and people should understand that.
Savannah Cats are amazing 8 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
Thanks. Came to comments to say this.
Lighting Quality: Low / shaders : Off 6 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
My guess is that you’re looking at the shadow of the roof overhang, not of the building itself.
Nice try, but no 15 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
I loved it as a kid so I now find it, if not good, massively nostalgic.
Weirdest date ever 4 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
They’re all we have left where I live.
Came across an old one I saved to my funny folder a good while back 1 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
The theme song? The melodica cover of the Jurassic Park theme.
Security 101 3 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
No no, it’s safer now. Now it’s password2.
Cats are wise 5 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
Want something? Scream until it’s yours.
Everytime this happens 6 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
I don’t disagree with your political views, but none of that is how jokes work...
Not like other girls 1 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
Not fully immune, it’s much rarer for possums to get rabies. Just so that if you ever see a rabid looking possum you don’t think “But funsubstance said they can’t have rabies! I should pet it.”
Change in action 31 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
To everyone mad at the reporter for being uninformed- Andy Murray is absolutely the first person to win two INDIVIDUAL Olympic gold medals. They missed a word in the question, but they weren’t as uninformed as people are thinking.
That's some career goals right there 2 comments
paleprincess · 4 years ago
He had to pay back one year’s salary. The best part, though, is that after an investigation, they found out that he’d been gone from work for AT LEAST 6 years, but it could have been as long as 14 years.