Believe me, professor, I've been asking myself the exact same thing for the past six 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Can confirm i live in cali
Funky kong says 2 comments
Girl knight 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I thought this was supposed to be alice with the vorpal sword but i could be wrong but hey thats just a theory a film theory
Men talking about the women they love 7 comments
Pick your fav 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Kids on the slope is pretty good. Even if you like jazz music give it a shot
Kidney stones for me 12 comments
· 5 years ago
So a couple years ago my lower back was misaligned like idk how it happened and i couldn't stand up straight or move really. Then i ended up on the floor and i couldn't even get up and i have a super high pain tolerance. Like i broke my foot walked a mile to get home and then got yelled at for asking for a ride. But yeah i ended up kinda setting it back it back and inwas a okay
One of saddest moment in Justice League 6 comments
Garbage man 11 comments
· 6 years ago
@shikharizard so the thing is its a matter of opinion. Some people agree others dont thats the point of the arrow. @funkmasterrex some jokes dont land man
The Florida of the left 26 comments
· 6 years ago
Sadly its true. I get that cali is trying to be progressive, but in reality its making things worse
New Year's resolution? Try these 9 comments
Ppl need to be more like this guy 9 comments