

— Paper_Cartoons Report User
Society be like.. 15 comments
paper_cartoons · 2 years ago
Society be like.. 15 comments
paper_cartoons · 2 years ago
@karboll You dare taint Gravity Falls?
Do as you wish 3 comments
paper_cartoons · 2 years ago
You forgot to mic drop that name drop, @famousone.
More like @GoFraudMe 18 comments
paper_cartoons · 2 years ago
Who here thinks the comment section should be limited to 280 characters like Twitter?
They're Probably Okay with Airplanes 9 comments
paper_cartoons · 2 years ago
Honk honk!
You do you 7 comments
paper_cartoons · 2 years ago
"Trying to find validation for everything you do, even the things you know are wrong/harmful," is apparently the career of choice rearing its destructive head.
3 · Edited 2 years ago
Just be as happy as you can 15 comments
paper_cartoons · 2 years ago
@happy_frog What's "the above"?
ᴬᴬᴬAᴬᴬᴬᴬᴬᴬᴬAᴬᴬᴬᴬᴬᴬᴬᴬᴬᴬA 8 comments
paper_cartoons · 2 years ago
How is this pronounced?
yepp 8 comments
paper_cartoons · 2 years ago
WITCH! How did she know this a year before Rosenbaum died?
I have not sexually assaulted anyone passport 23 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
Sheshession by the shee shore.
Magnolia Liliflora - Flower that looks like a bird 1 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
This is beautiful.
Grand master of kindergarten 6 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
How do I get a refund if my stick breaks?
i will murder you 6 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
One time when I was working at a bakery, my coworker filled what should have been a key lime doughnut with the wasabi from our other coworker's lunch... I'm glad it made their day. Mine was spent gulping water.
LOL JK 11 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others." Matthew 6:5
LOL JK 11 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
@cakelover Would you be willing to go into more detail about what Jesus meant when He said that?
3000 8 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
And as weak as Manifest's plot can be, it is still better than what we got from the MCU.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
There are NOT enough hours in the day 9 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
I got stuck at a Starbucks drive thru for 40 minutes once...good thing I wasn't in a hurry. But too bad I was blocked in, because I really did not want to sit there!
Mods excited 1 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
I would like to laugh at this, but it's hard to laugh at something when it's this close to reality.
I seriously wonder what some people have in their heads 6 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
Last I checked, 'darker' isn't a colour...
Julius Caesar approves 33 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
@general_failure Adam44 didn't say he had a favourite knife to train doing damage with. He that the knife he trains with CAN do the same kind of damage. His point was that the length of the blade doesn't change the fact that a stabbing is still a stabbing. Someone can send you to the hospital with a 3" blade just as easily as a 9" one.
Cold sweat thinking about it 3 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
But how can you...if you "don't" exist? *Raises eyebrow of suspicion*
Fall is coming... (please?) 3 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
Headache 9 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
Seriously? A man died, and the poor officer is most likely going to do jail time because of one split second mistake, and you're going to make fun of it? Imagine how terrible she must feel. Did you even hear her shock in the footage? Now, just put yourself in her shoes: YOU pulled the gun instead of the taser. Think about what that would mean, what it would do to you mentally, the punch to the stomach that you'd feel once you realized your mistake. Think about how a large portion of the population mislabels you as a racist now, just because the colour of your skin isn't the same as the man you shot. Think about all the time you'll be in jail for. Think about the loss his family is going through, the loss your family will feel once you're in prison. Think about the fact that you'll probably never be able to return to your career and spend the rest of your life barely making minimum wage. All because of a mistake. If only you could go back and change what happened.
This is not a joke.
The Third Wave experiment is actually kinda fascinating ngl 33 comments
paper_cartoons · 3 years ago
@happy_frog Just because they call themselves that, doesn't mean they are.