

Your actually stalking me? Well, might as well make this worth while. HI! My name's Kayley, I love reading and writing. I'm not really an exciting person....
SilentlyScreaming Report User
Starting my Diet 2 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Try the see-food diet. If you see food, eat it.
Spot the difference 31 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Woops, sorry. Thanks for telling me. =)
Spot the difference 31 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Duh! Her hair is straightened in the second pic.
25 · Edited 11 years ago
Ask me about my ADD 5 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
ADD stands for 'Attention Deficit Disorder', meaning they have trouble focusing on something, ADHD Is 'Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder' Meaning they also have problems with focus, and are ALSO hyperactive. He was right. =)
If disney princesses went to high school 15 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Not really. I have my siblings, and my best friends homeschool. I was bullied a lot in real school, so I actually have more friends now. Their are homeschool groups that plan fieldtrips and things like that. It can get lonely, but no more than normal school.
If disney princesses went to high school 15 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Which do you prefer? Real school, or homeschool? I like homeschooling, mainly because where I live, the public schools are really bad, and the people at the private school I went to for several years were a-holes.
If disney princesses went to high school 15 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Not all homeschoolers are weird, or drug addicts. I'd be a Belle...minus the boyfriend, and the beautiful. I'd like to think I'm somewhat smart and kind.
18 · Edited 11 years ago
How Many Fandoms Can You Find? 82 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Cool! I love Bones, I can't watch it when my mom's home, because she finds the bones and decaying bodies disgusting...
How Many Fandoms Can You Find? 82 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Is that Bones? I don't know if that's a fandom, but the pregnant woman and the guy she's dragging behind her , (directly above Supernatural) looks like Booth.
Its so cold 18 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
I supposed to be taking a shower right now, but I got under my blanket waiting for my sister to get out, and I can't find it in me to move.
Comment Yours 36 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
'I don't give a care' I said it ironically once, now it's my go to phrase.
Satan 42 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
We're not all hypocritical. It drives me nuts because we all get a bad rep because of Christians who think they are better than everyone else and are extremely hypocritical.
Satan 42 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Satan is in hell for crimes he committed in heaven. He is to be eternally locked in as well. He's not like a ruler who gives out punishment, he is being punished.
Yep 8 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
"I'm sick of seeing my face. But I'm aloud to be sick of seeing my face, because it's my fucking face." - Gerard Way.
Very excite, much eager, wow 47 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
I finally started The Fault in our Stars, So I'll be huddled in my bedroom reading till three in the morning.
Dirty pics 52 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
She's the whore, right. He's the one asking for nude pictures, because his 'gf out of town'
And the 'I play hockey' was supposed to convince her? Please, if you play hockey, all that proves is that you see more dick than anything. What a douche.
Best religious pick-Up line 10 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Oh, I didn't mean to delete it, It said, your so perfect, I would sacrifice you.
Best religious pick-Up line 10 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
· Edited 11 years ago
Wish my parents had done this... 6 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
My little sister has a weird accent. My parents don't know where it's from, they assume it's because there's several people we know with varied accents, but I don't have the heart to tell them it's most likely because I used random accents around her when she was learning to talk.
Your Pastry Choices Greatly Impact My Life!!! 21 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
I didn't choose to be this way, I won't stop eating doughnuts, and if I get damnation for it, I say burn baby burn.
Your Pastry Choices Greatly Impact My Life!!! 21 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
Dear lord, why can't you people see, my doughnut doesn't hurt you! What do you expect, for me to stop eating doughnuts because you say so? Psh, please.
Made some fluffs 11 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
That cat looks just like mine.
Your Pastry Choices Greatly Impact My Life!!! 21 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
How is my eating a doughnut hurting you? It's not like I'm shoving it down your throat, how is my doughnut hurting your kid?
Going to the carwash 7 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
That was on AFV, I believe. It cost $800 to fix the door, and he won ten grand for sending it in, if I remember correctly.
When when my mother folds fitted sheets perfectly with no effort 8 comments
partychicklolkj · 11 years ago
*whispers* It's not really that hard...