Or that stupid "Dog With A Blog" crap. 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Uh, I'm way out of high school and I loved these shows. Same with everyone I know who is my age.
Good job America 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Abraham Lincoln also said that you shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet so...
Whenever I hear "I'll never use this in real life!" 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Um, I'm a business major and we use algebra ALL the time. If I hadn't learned algebra in high school, there's no way I would be able to get a degree. They just don't call it algebra. It's applied math.
50 Shades of this 68 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm a foster sister. We've had many foster kids. We've also adopted a boy who we got from a mom who didn't want him. My mom was the first person to hold him when he was born. Comparing the foster system to at-birth adoption is like comparing apples and oranges. Yeah, they are both fruits, but that's where the similarity ends. Knowing the foster system very well, I know how flawed of a system it is. That, however, is not what we are talking about. Your question is irrelevant.
We finally know what dogs get excited about by making them wear a camera 13 comments
· 9 years ago
But, somehow they are perfect pictures. Like, some are angled up, some down, the dog can't do that... Also, the ones that are angled up don't have the underside of his head in it. Seems kinda strange...
50 Shades of this 68 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, and there's no such thing as adoption. The government pours so much money into abortion and you see couples who would long to have kids pour a ton of money into fertility. Why can't the government just support adoption?
What Bill Gates is afraid of 5 comments
· 9 years ago
I love that he brought this to light. People live very ignorantly these days not realizing everything that could happen. He's a stud.
Nerd alert 2 comments
· 9 years ago
For a second I freaked out because I saw the low battery sign and thought it was for my phone... I'm on a laptop.
Go mom! 23 comments
· 9 years ago
We're just easy targets. A video is made making fun of extremist Muslims and the extremist Muslims go crazy and the entire US government apologizes to them. Mormons get a play made making fun of them and they try to make the best of it. We aren't going to go on a killing spree so it's easy to make put us down.
Oh... (*゚ー゚)ゞ 29 comments