

— Peteguy777 Report User
Portrait 4 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
Great work! I especially like that tattoo!
Went to a 20’s themed party last night. The invite didn’t specify which 20’s we 3 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
I had a buddy show up to a 70's party dressed as a colonial (1770's..)
Hurried furtive tenuous Stork 8 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
look at the petals it's dropping!!! holy crap!
A local Post Office still has a fallout shelter complete with creepy entrance 1 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
My Buddy's old apartment building had one that was equally as creepy!
Coolest actor alive 3 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
Um, are we forgetting Point Break & Speed?!
"The Year, is 2035" 4 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
I take it you've read Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash....
Thanks but that isn’t really relevant to my lifestyle choices! 3 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
How Red Dragon of you!
That is quite the timeline 4 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
Karma, Bitch
My Grandfather turned 100 and bought his first smart phone! 2 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
That dude looks good for 100!
By the Power of G(r)ay Skull 5 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
What a Hit! I knew a kid back in High School who memorized this entire song & sang it at parties & sporting events :)
Blur the redline 34 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
Is that really a thing?! Sheesh, No down payment help, but my Dad showed up with Paint brushes & tools!
Tiny erect Oyster 11 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
A guy contacted me on FB Marketplace to buy our kitchen chairs. Upon viewing his profile 3 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
The people I've met through Marketplace / LetGo / Craigslist... Just Fantastic!
That's Shakespeare, boys. That's Shakespeare. 5 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
Whoever wrote this forgot "made of sterner stuff", yes, Shakespeare invented the word 'stuff' (in Julius Caesar none the less).
Defending my Master's in my pajamas today 2 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
My Wife's friend defended her thesis in her underwear the other week, hahaha
I have the exact same sword. Should I be worried? 4 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
Martin the Warrior has returned from Redwall!
"Omg this is exactly what I wanted!" 2 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
"Got a killer deal on this place!"
I'd play it 2 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
Yea, I sold a ginormus picked thru collection for $20 & we both went home happy
Wholesome information that is also interesting 3 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
Sir Frederick Banting was the head Scientist - he was my Godfather's Uncle, he loved talking about him!
As much as I support calm children, I really want to see the aftermath of someone 2 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
They will also be given a Puppy & taught to play Magic the Gathering.
Who else wants Constantine 2 to happen? 3 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
I'll take Constantine anything!
About every 6 months 7 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
100%, I've had my wife tell me buttered toast is my favorite food & I can't disagree...
Heated basement workshop on a rainy winter night. It may not be a good book by the fire 3 comments
peteguy777 · 4 years ago
That is exactly what I hope to do in the not too distant future! Very nice!