Steve Hansen


— Steve Hansen Report User
If only 39 comments
phtevenhansan · 8 years ago
Lol guest, I'm not sure if its because its after 1 am or whatever, but i found that way funnier than i should have.
A rock that looks like a piece of space 14 comments
phtevenhansan · 8 years ago
Is that obsidian?
Every...F*cking...Time 9 comments
phtevenhansan · 8 years ago
Nah bruh... Use Google docs. It's saved my ass so many times.
Sharp bee stinger 15 comments
phtevenhansan · 8 years ago
The "venom" is actually something called formic acid, which essentially dissolves your tissue, which would make it a hell of a lot more painful than a needle.
Tiny turtle 4 comments
phtevenhansan · 9 years ago
No you need a banana for scale, not a coin!
Ten Inch Pianist 9 comments
phtevenhansan · 9 years ago
Argh the title gave away the punch line mid joke. -_-