It doesn't get any cooler than this 26 comments
· 10 years ago
what is that a yeerk?!
This racial profiling experiment shows how cops treat people differently 12 comments
· 10 years ago
thats some messed up logic right there. using your logic since some blacks and Latinos are in gangs then we treat them all like they are? then we should treat every teenage white boy like hes a mass murderer cause you know, logic right?
The ugly truth 6 comments
We're all going to die 24 comments
· 10 years ago
thats my first thought i seriously doubt that anyone outside of north koreans think that they are going to die from north korea.
When you're living with male roommates. 3 comments
· 10 years ago
don't understand the downvotes, i happen to know for a fact that girls can be just as if not more messy as guys. my ex used to live in an apartment full of girls and that place was usually a sty when i went over there.
When your last exam saves your ass 5 comments
Proof that the Attack on Titan theme goes with Everything 10 comments
· 10 years ago
it reminds me of that old show from the 90's eerie indiana, and goosebumps
I'm still waiting... 18 comments
Those special boys that never let you down 8 comments
· 10 years ago
i think it refers to when a guy would stick with a girl through all the drama, issues and general craziness that is her and her life.
Tragic Tale 13 comments
· 10 years ago
"...That's when Ron vanished, came back, speaking Spanish
Lavish habits, two rings, twenty carats..."
Lavish habits, two rings, twenty carats..."
Sleep paralysis 6 comments
I think we can all relate 11 comments
I hate him too! 4 comments
Someone's got this argument figured out 40 comments
· 10 years ago
what is likely to offend a woman varies depending on the woman. so as i am saying how are we to know? A lot of our behavior is innate though that's my point. our attraction to each other is one aspect of such behavior and there is very little of your conscious mind that comes into play. there's a reason i am attracted to a woman's breasts and not a man's chest. And the 'fetishisation' of breasts have only really been a thing in euro-centric societies and cultures and has been so for quite a while.