I am here to stalk your posts and invade your dreams
— PinballWzrd Report User
It project manager 57 comments
· 5 years ago
I’m a teacher. Call me crazy, but I love it!
The last of a generation 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Oh boo hoo people don’t want to burn the shit out of their fingers and have an alternative now.
Congrats! (not me) 2 comments
· 5 years ago
God I wish guys had the balls to do this. Girls really should too. Idk why we can’t all just do the thing. Anyway, hope you work up the courage! Or that your crush does! Best wishes!
You exist 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Babe, I think it’s because in most cases having a period is a symptom of having a working uterus, which *somewhat* important to procreation. Are you a boy or do you live in Texas?
Ranma 1/2 is the shiet 6 comments
· 5 years ago
But this is legitimately Sakura season in Japan. It breaks you. You give up.
WinZip works on humans too 5 comments
· 5 years ago
My grandma just died a few weeks ago and was cremated, but this legit made me laugh for the first time in a few days. Thanks.
Now the story is public but is getting covered up by people wanting to impeach Trump 19 comments
· 5 years ago
Claiming that either political party is responsible for covering it up is just a divisive tactic to keep us distracted by party lines instead of the base issue. The fact that people in both parties are implicated should be enough evidence of that. Direct your righteous anger at pedophiles and finding a way to free the truth, not at blaming the rival political group and moving on like you’ve accomplished something.
Enough already with the logic! Just accept Jesus! 29 comments
· 5 years ago
Okay babes. Evil happens because we can make the choice to commit it. Followers of Jesus choose to follow his teachings, which means striving not to commit evil. Followers of Jesus are already using free will not to commit sins, and will continue to do so in Heaven because they already made that choice and they’re the ones going to heaven.
Gonna be honest fam 1 comments
Nothing here. (91284930) 50 comments
It's not even a fan made game either. This is genuinely the most anticipated game. Insane. 7 comments
· 5 years ago
In the universe posited by Wreck-it Ralph, would Super Smash Bros. be the equivalent of bum fights?
Saw this all over FB. Let the discussion begin 98 comments
Ain't nothing going on but the rent 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Imagine knowing a guy who doesn’t put an unnecessary comma in a four word sentence.
Any good books? 26 comments
· 5 years ago
Stephen King is great! If you’re not into the big baddies and supernatural stuff, I’d recommend The Long Walk.
If you’re like me and prefer the human monster, Misery is another great title.
11/22/63 is also super! Time travel/love/mystery.
The Shining is a masterpiece IMO.
But pick up King and you’ll keep picking his work up.
If you’re like me and prefer the human monster, Misery is another great title.
11/22/63 is also super! Time travel/love/mystery.
The Shining is a masterpiece IMO.
But pick up King and you’ll keep picking his work up.
What's your sick movie? 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I got mono when I was a kid too! My mom couldn’t skip work, so she asked me what she could do to make me feel better while she was gone. I told her I wanted the “Other Mary Poppins.”
I’d seen The Sound of Music in the video rental store and didn’t know what it was. She rented it for the entire month and a half I was sick. I must’ve watched it at least once every day, mostly due to the fact that I didn’t have enough energy to leave the room to get anything else. But it grew on me.
I had surgery once and when I woke up, my mom was sitting there with a copy of The Sound of Music on DVD.
I’d seen The Sound of Music in the video rental store and didn’t know what it was. She rented it for the entire month and a half I was sick. I must’ve watched it at least once every day, mostly due to the fact that I didn’t have enough energy to leave the room to get anything else. But it grew on me.
I had surgery once and when I woke up, my mom was sitting there with a copy of The Sound of Music on DVD.
Mt. Fuji, japan (s.Hashimuki) 1 comments
I’m so bad at confrontation 11 comments
· 7 years ago
I love seeing people get excited about history trivia! Keep up the good work darlings!