Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Seriously, how do you write these? 8 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I mean... when do you ever write this (by hand) as punctuation ? Only time I use these is when I'm coding (so obviously not handwritten), or when I did math problems, for like ensembles, and big ass ones to group together sets of equations. So they weren't punctuation as much as they were symbols.
The Smell of Stress 21 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I really feel like american college is.... something else. I just graduated with an engineering degree, and got through school without excessive stress, despite being a huge procrastinator (although granted, a close deadline makes me productive, not stressed).
I partied excessively, was lazy on my assignments, planned nothing in advanced, and still was more than okay, and so were my friends. And yet posts about american college make it seem like its hell on earth and its like D-day levels of stress.
This is not a jab a people who feel that kind of stress, im just trying to figure out whats so different.
This is a common problem 3 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Am I the only who, when that happens, manages to take a minute to say "OK, why am I anxious?" and comes up with the reason (usually something I should be doing and have been delaying) or if I come up empty actually relaxes ?
Invention of peppers 3 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I mean BECAUSE of that we now grow them and they spread widely than they could ever expected. So its a win in their book.
When I travel I wanna see things and it becomes a problem when you don’t 13 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
To be honest the fact that you are
1. aware of your condition (and the consequences of it)
2. willing to be open about it to your GF
3. still worried about it (and not 'i now have a free get out of asshole jail card)
Makes it pretty safe to say youll be ok.
Office decoration 3 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Probably something meant to be used as a 'Table saver'. Put that on a table in a crowded public place and watch as noone takes your spot.
The face of disappointment 6 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Greed and incompetence go hand in hand 3 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Not defending microtransactions, but devs make decent money. Seriously, being a dev feels like the golden mine. You are payed decently (engineer salary if you have the proper education), if youre willing to be a web dev you will always have a job, and people dont understand what you do so they leave you alone.
Yours truly, a dev.
I've made a huge mistake 6 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Depends on the job I guess. If its a job with small requirements and they are looking to weed out applicants then youre probably done for. Probably, youre still talking to a human being, theres a chance you made them laugh.
If youre applying to a job that requires decent education and they are actually looking for a qualified employee I dont see how a simple apology wouldnt solve the issue.
And also... what kind of company gets in touch with someone for a job interview through text message. without introducing themselves / the point of the message ?
It would have been a lot better 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I mean, I have a ridiculously high amount of game time of an Undead priest and a Troll rogue, and I'm fairly certain they don't exist in real life.
If you think about it 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Nudist beach with hot sand ? but do flip flops really count as shoes ?
0-100 real quick 19 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I'm 90% that in France restaurants should provide you with water for free (wether youre a customer there or not).
I don't know if this is a legal obligation, but I've never had a restaurant / pub deny me a glass of tap water if I just walk in and ask for one even if I don't order anything. And ive tried that in random restaurants, as well as McDonalds and other fast foods. You just have to be polite, and the request was always gladly accepted.
Abuse is Abuse 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Im gonna go on a limb here and assume he crossed an extra two letters on the top row (the 'he') making the sign read 'S HIT ME'.
Unsure why you would do that tho
If you’re offended, stay offended 17 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
French Erasmus student here. Its not THAT easy.
We had a lot of predrinking parties with a majority of french people (not that we didnt want to mingle, there just happened to be A LOT of french erasmus people).
We would speak english, but inevitably, the conversation is gonna break into smaller groups, and speaking english with other french people feels SO.FUCKING.WEIRD so we would always naturally revert back to french.
It also doesnt help that a lot of the other french people arent perfectly at ease with english, so it makes zingers and one-liners impossible to use.
On a side note, I always made a point of switching back to english if I noticed a non-french student trying to join our conversations.
What’s the best drug to have sex on? 4 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
For those who care, from personal experience and from a guys point of view :
- weed makes you last long (but you might have problems starting)
- extasy, Ive never had sex while on extasy, but Ive never wanted to have sex while on E, so I doubt its a good idea.
- cocaine , never tried cocaine so cant help you there.
- mushrooms, personnal favorite, stayed up all night going at it regularly, and just enjoying the trip in between.
And remember, being high is not a good excuse not to use protection.
Oh Belgium 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Sounds resonnable.
Oh Belgium 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
We do in France. He was badass.
Appearrances, apparently 9 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
You very obviously know a shitload more about this than me, but i think beth's argument was "because people associate glowy leds with power, people who do powerful stuff tend to add glowy stuff because it tends to be something people who buy powerful stuff are attracted to".
Kind of a self fullilling prophecy.
Obviously that wouldn't be the case in "industrial" grade stuff, as you then actually have qualified people judge by performance only, but if youre appealing to gamers and whatnot, then probably adding a few useless leds to make your powerful card ALSO look cool is maybe a good idea because it will attract more buyers, and in turn that would mean that leds => power.
· Edited 5 years ago
Ladies, this is a good advice 12 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Mmm, that makes sense. I guess it depends on wether you assume humans are good by nature or not.
I am worried 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
And thats why I always fill in the e-mail address of the recipient last.
Scottish news 4 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Or he does drugs. Which lead to what you said.
Ladies, this is a good advice 12 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I'm genuinely open to debate about this, I've met people who agree with me, people who disagree (and I respect that), but I'm yet to find someone who can pinpoint where my logic is wrong.
Ladies, this is a good advice 12 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Well for me the piece of shit is the girl who is willing to cheat on her boyfriend. The fact that it happens with me is irrelevant, if she was gonna cheat she could do it with anyone else.
When I'm in a relationship I am 100% faithfull.
If I chat up a girl and she says she has a boyfriend I move on.
If a girl fails to let me know, or lets me know, but then keeps the flirting going, and ends up accepting to go out or stuff like that and then cheats on her boyfriend, I fail to see what I did wrong really. I'm not responsible for keeping her faithful.
Sure I could be the good guy who then does all he can to keep her from straying, but really.... why would I do that ? Chances are she would cheat with someone else (that is really I feel the only debatable point of my logic). It's her role to be faithful, just as it is MY role to be faithful when I'm in a relationship.
Amazing concept 15 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Except evolution does not stop at what is 'natural'. Our ability as a species to care for the weaker member of the herd IS also evolution. And if we fuck up as a species and become too weak and our species goes extinct that is ALSO part of evolution.
Humans are animals too, human intervention is part of nature and evolution.
Ladies, this is a good advice 12 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
As a guy who doesn't see any morality issues with going after a girl who is in a relationship, yet doesn't consider myself as the fuckboy-douche type (although I'm guessing some of you wont agree), it heavily depends on the girl.
If I'm chatting up a girl and she drops "I have a boyfriend" in the conversation, then Ill take the hint and move on.
However I've been with girls who wouln't mention shit when you first hit on them, at a later point I would learn she had a boyfriend but she still keeps behaving with me as if she doesn't have one and flirting and shit, well in those cases I'll just ignore the fact that she has a boyfriend. If she is willing to cheat, i'd rather she cheat with me.