A porch light, slowly becoming independent and bent on conquering humanity.
— Porch_Light Report User
I mean, come on. 3 comments
Hell na 4 comments
(chuckles) I am in danger 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Me, booting Divinity 2 back up and playing with the boys for the first time in months
Everyday 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Okay, I'll turn it of at 1:30 am, I don't care what I'm doing. It's time for some self-control!
*three hours later*
I'm a failure of a human.
*three hours later*
I'm a failure of a human.
Ooooohhhh no 3 comments
Honey get the camera 5 comments
· 4 years ago
If you piss on the tornado, it'll get uncomfortable and go away. Either that, or file a restraining order against you, but either one works.
What would you do? 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Oh come on, regardless of quality I feel like almost everyone on this site would eat like, 20 of these and only regret it a lot.
Check the comments 10 comments
· 4 years ago
As an American, I only use Fahrenheit for room temperature so I can have a comparison for Celsius. Seriously, why are we still using these dumb measurements? Is there an actual reason, or is it just the 'I hate change even when its convenient' thing we do all too often?
i gots a craving for a number 9 like my shoe 1 comments
Sleep Pods in a Japanese capsule hotel 2 comments
Holy crap would you look at those 3 comments
Rob Coutu and his Kitty Tower 11 comments
Rip philip 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Caskets back then didn't cost several years worth of rent. Plus, most people didn't even use caskets, it was a natural, private burial.
Russian roads 2 comments
Guys, I finally found the word. 5 comments
Day ??? Of quarantine 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Day ??? of quarantine: learned how to levitate. The world shall now burn.