A porch light, slowly becoming independent and bent on conquering humanity.
— Porch_Light Report User
Better Than Cake or Death 12 comments
· 3 years ago
ngl it sounds like you wanna be Elisa Lam
When You Wanna Fancy Drive 7 comments
Hmm yes sushiza 6 comments
· 3 years ago
I have... uh, hold on...
$8.52... wait crap, I forgot to buy breakfast this morning. So, probably about $2
$8.52... wait crap, I forgot to buy breakfast this morning. So, probably about $2
Daily Jahy-sama meme: Day 317 1 comments
facts 2 comments
· 3 years ago
A snowflake falls on a character's head... they immediately collapse to the ground, suffering a concussion. People scramble inside, terrified of the sudden unexpected snow day. The poor man, bombarded with snowflakes, becomes a broken pile of flesh, their organs torn to shreds and their bones broken in nearly every place. We pray it ends quickly, or there will be more who suffer the same gruesome death...
Medieval art isn't always accurate 8 comments
· 3 years ago
I mean, London has Fallen was surprisingly accurate, ignoring a flaw here and there. Olympus, on the other hand, was... less so.
Idk if this counts as a meme 11 comments
· 3 years ago
The police try to handcuff the two together and they clothesline him and steal the police car
If you're a woman, it makes you grow a prostate that instantly gets cancer 10 comments
· 3 years ago
(I use it and a strand of hair goes missing, take that >:D)
You are sometimes unable to control when you can or can't walk on air for brief moments, causing you to humorously stumble often.
You are sometimes unable to control when you can or can't walk on air for brief moments, causing you to humorously stumble often.
Come on, man! 21 comments
· 3 years ago
If i recall correctly, didn't some people bring molotov cocktails, pistols... wasn't there a small group of veterans that were pretty heavily armed, or am I just mixing up things in my head?
If you're a woman, it makes you grow a prostate that instantly gets cancer 10 comments
· 3 years ago
You very slowly lose objects around you at random (about twice a month), no matter the size or weight.
I want Maxwell's ability of creationism (from Scribblenauts)
I want Maxwell's ability of creationism (from Scribblenauts)
Blind cat chirps to warn blind owner 3 comments
Come on, man! 21 comments
· 3 years ago
I mean... they were far from unarmed, and if it weren't for a few brave officers, they very well could have killed several office members.
I love this progression 4 comments
Mompetition 1 comments
· 3 years ago
The off-screen husband and wife seem like they've been through this several times, and the slightly traumatized look on the bottom kid only reinforces that
Chad apple 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Alright, I'll crunch the entire apple from top to bottom, including the stem and core.
My bf and me 5 comments
But like am I wrong tho? Idk 73 comments
· 3 years ago
My best guess is that it was made by someone trying to shoehorn 'straight' into the LGBT.