A fly after heavy rainfall

A fly after heavy rainfall

These socks

These socks

His grandmother, the true queen of memes! She dead now, rest in peace!

His grandmother, the true queen of memes! She dead now, rest in peace!

We've All Felt Like This At One Point In Our Lives

We've All Felt Like This At One Point In Our Lives



Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleooooooooon!

Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleooooooooon!

If I sell them talcum powder instead of cocaine, will I be arrested for being a fraud?

If I sell them talcum powder instead of cocaine, will I be arrested for being a fraud?

Touch the hair

Touch the hair

Gandhi's last footsteps before he was assassinated

Gandhi's last footsteps before he was assassinated

I just found this and now I can't stop screaming

I just found this and now I can't stop screaming
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