

princessmonstertru Report User
Spiders are cool 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
Courage clearly means different things to you and I.
I think our disagreement boils down to the value of a spider. You're value for them is clearly very high, and I respect that. My value for an individual spider or two is low enough that I'm not going to chase one around my home in hopes to catch it and release it. I'm just going to squish it and move on with my day.
And 'no' to the irony. I like princesses. I don't particularly care for Disney. The two are not synonymous.
I also reject your claim that there are zero spider bites that were not in self defense. Any person bit by a spider in their sleep would be one example to disprove it.
Spiders are cool 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
Shoo it away to where? Under my bed? Behind the sofa?
So if i go outside and stick my finger in the web of a brown recluse and it bites me, it's my fault because i disturbed it's home.
But if a brown recluse comes into my home and jumps on my eyeball while i'm browsing FS, it's my fault if I kill it?
What % of spider killings do you suspect have been killed out of pleasure? I submit that most of them have been killed while the person was in a state of fear.
I think people need to separate reality from Disney.
Remember remember remember 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
Thank you!
7.5B people. We WILL have cultural differences! If people continue to confuse cultural differences with racism we are eventually going to act like GOT.
Spiders are cool 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
So every time a spider, or animal in general, attacks its in defense?
Spiders are cool 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
All animals..... but not including humans?
Spiders are cool 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
Are we going to ignore that there are plenty spiders who bite people and a decent amount that are harmful or deadly?
Remember remember remember 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
I'm confused too. Who?
All you had to do was not use plastic 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
Is there a way to maintain a sanitary brush without it?
Yeah, what's your excuse? 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
My apologies for my implication.
I agree. And i would add that far too often we think that money = success. There are countless people in the top 1% that have taken their own lives. I'll take emotional and spiritual health over millions of dollars every time.
Yeah, what's your excuse? 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
Thats true, luck plays a big roll. But we cant change our luck. I'd rather concentrate on the things that are within my area of influence or control.
If Bill gates spent his 20's complaining on twitter about how much money everyone else had instead of working hard toward his goals he would probably be as poor as the OP right now too.
Yeah, what's your excuse? 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
So what is the fix?
Your seeming disapproval of how the Matthew Principal plays out would suggesting that working hard to give my children as much advantage as i can is some how a bad thing.
Nice to see politicans stand up to Stupidity 21 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
If only people were choosing for themselves instead of helpless children. Then we could just let darwin sort it all out.
Overthrow the proletariat 3 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
Vladimir sounds just like Bernie did until he became a multimillionaire and now thinks he should keep his fortunes.....
This will be an interesting campaign of hypocrisy.
It’s probably better to not 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
Thats easy. We're better off not knowing the difference.
America’s obsession with their military is now leading to them targeting kids to join in 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
There's plenty of adults who play video games.
Then it will be an important lesson 5 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
I think life is a bitch no matter who you are.
Absolute mad lad 15 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
If i had a choice between a world where we were free to make decisions (including wrong decisions) vs a world where we don't even get the choice I'd take the freedom every time.
Absolute mad lad 15 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
What if he is able but unwilling. But he's unwilling only because doing so would strip us of free will which is really the fundamental uniqueness that makes life worth living.
Sturdy black-and-white Gerbil 14 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
Sheesh. Are equal or not? Make up your mind.
Progress 17 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
I'm not a particular fan of Trump but why cant both of those statements be true? It's not really the report that vindicates him but a complete lack of evidence after a 2 year, unlimited resource, investigation. If that report can't vindicate, what possibly could?
Progress 17 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
I'm so glad people are starting to see through the illusion.
Kill 2 birds with 1 stone! 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
I believe many practicing psychologists got into the field for that reason.
*star spangled banner plays* 8 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
*star spangled banner plays* 8 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
I lack the vocabulary to articulate to you how much we don't care what you think ;)
Hit rock bottom in december. Now heading towards better life! 9 comments
princessmonstertru · 5 years ago
*uck yah! Take your power back! Good for you!