

— princessmonstertru Report User
Why tho 21 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Most companies are looking for great people to take on larger roles. A lack of the desired people is typically what holds companies back from expansion. Is it possible that you're making vast generalizations based off the fact that your career isn't moving as fast as you'd like?
Take it or leave it, i'm going to give you some advise: The types of people who we're looking for to take on new/additional responsibilities are not the kinds of people who believe everything that happens at the executive levels is wrong. People don't get promotions by insulting their bosses. They get them by learning from them.
Why tho 21 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Exactly who are you referring to? And what would their "letting go" look like?
Another great quote from Jim Carrey 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Trends in propoganda 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
I was about to say the same thing. ICE.....publishing propaganda? I doubt that.
Another great quote from Jim Carrey 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
This is absolute victim garbage. If he's referring to spending his career believing that he's more important or more enlightened than most because he has had cameras pointed at him, then he might be on to something. But society in general??... hardly.
The burdon on individual people to carve meaning out of life is just as present now as it was for cave men. Lucky for us, today has significantly more opportunity than at any time in our past.
Sad 23 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
The solution is simple as far as I can tell. GTFO of Flint Michigan.
F**k work 29 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Interesting point Charles. I'm curious what his alternative is though?
Run Jerry, Run! 1 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Sad 23 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
The Flint water problem blame lands solely on the heads of the City officials that allowed it. Federal tax dollars (yours and my money) dont belong anywhere near it.
*glued to the TV* 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
With Nixon, the House specified a crime, then proved that he committed it.
With Trump, the House made broad accusations, then found a bunch of people who disagreed with how Trump has executed foreign policy and called them witnesses.
Before/after varnishing a deck w/3 coats 5 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
....and HDR photography.
Sadly the truth 10 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
No one seems to care? Really?
Well, yes 16 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Sassy, i understand your point. What you're considering is an envy driven redistribution of wealth and to be honest, it would probably have some immediate positive effects. The problem lies in the future.
If it started to look like Warren's plan were going to be implemented, the wealthy would immediately begin moving their money out of the United States. That abrupt removal of capital from an economy would absolutely gut businesses. Every stock, mutual fund and 401k would crash. Companies would be instantly thrust into a cash flow save mode and people would loose their jobs at an unprecedented rate.
I assure you that Warren knows this and that she would never actually implement something like this. It's pure envy based propaganda. She's lying to everyone and the bulk of americans know it. That is why her support is falling.
Nobody knows everything, even the one who knows Cosmology 22 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
I don't care for Neil but he's right. The f150 was spinning what appeared to be one wheel. That suggests plenty of torque and a lack of traction.
Take that depression 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
^ yes
They know, they just don't care 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Actual mean income is $42k for that age bracket.
Healthcare is such a complex beast 37 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
So you're saying that of the billions of people in 32 nations, none of them are broken from medical issues? That's amazing. We should tell those 32 nations!
Infinite realities 7 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Maybe it's more of a choice than some kind of forced reality?
Antarctic ice core 9 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Thats cool!
Healthcare is such a complex beast 37 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
That is a grand statement. Define "work", then we can have an adult conversation about it.
Unimpressed 3 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
You clearly left it in there too long...
Be great 9 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
I've never heard that, but it sure makes sense. Is it true?
Be great 9 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Also, take a look around and try to understand, and be grateful for the the parts of the USA that you maybe take for granted.
In the same way that some parents look at vaccines as evil, are we taking a lot of freedoms for granted because we're too far removed from the life without them?
People are the worst 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
I think there is more truth to this statement than people would like to admit.