

— princessmonstertru Report User
Big oof, Mr. Paul 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
So voting yes would have spared him from the virus?
To add to this, you deserve vacation days too 52 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Sorry Jason, you're not completely right.
Eek barba derkel 16 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Thanks for the chuckle...
Eek barba derkel 16 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
I think it's it's even more amusing hearing people call an electric vehicle "zero emmissions" and sincerely not understand where the power actually comes from.
We need this right now 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
For most people, yes. A lucky few are born with the gift of positivity. The rest of us have to cultivate it with avery fiber of our being.
We need this right now 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
There ate plenty of people going uphill. Would it be more productive to concentrate on how to become one of those people instead of waiting for something to happen too you?
Gotta make dat paper 24 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
Double the rate that the machine spits out money and you'll see very little change in peoples behavior. The reason is that people losing interest in the machine has more to do with human psychology than it does with minimum wage.
UK Salaries vs House prices 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
The annual salary in 1970 was 0? That seems low
We need this right now 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 3 years ago
At what point can we stop claiming that the current calendar year is the "worst ever" and just move ahead with what we have?
Funny how to works, isn't it? 3 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Learn how to invest in the stock market....... nah, i'll just be envious and complain about not having what others have worked for.
adorbs 4 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Tech was a bit different in 1988...
For a brief moment you feel like you have your shit together. Very brief 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Cleaning your room is certainly a start. It feels good to accomplish things. Now, keep your room clean and concentrate on a slightly more difficult accomplishment. Then repeat.
Dunning-Kruger never looked so good. 2 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Good stuff!
Yes 34 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
If you are prepared to pull the trigger, you had better be prepared to take their life. Real life is not like the movies. If you put a round through a kneecap, it's highly probable that you damage their popliteal artery which could bleed then out in minutes.
Even highly trained professionals get excited when they are about go shoot a human. The chances of a home defender keeping their composure enough to pull off a well placed knee shot in a surprise scenario like that is almost zero.
Yes 34 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
There is a self preservation aspect to this scenario. At exactly what point could you determine that you are safe as long as you let this criminal continue about their business.
Mild flue symptoms 3 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
You guys haven't observed that the media will say whatever gets them the most views and clicks yet?
Thank you U-Haul, vv cool 5 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Very clever Uhaul! Good for you
Should've listened 11 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Or Mrs Maisel made the whole thing up so that people would send her tiny little digital approval messages that increase her dopamine flow.
Should've listened 11 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
"Flooding the fuel line with gas" makes absolutely no sense.
Keanu reeves 3 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
He lives in an $8M mansion and he's worth about $360M. There's no way he regularly takes the subway.
Who cares?!?! 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
Lol. Oops
Who cares?!?! 6 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
And it infects millions! 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
328M people who live an average of 78.5 years would mean that 4.18M of them would die each year if the population remained constant.
660M รท 75 years r 8.8M (which is where i got my 9M figure from.
4.18M vs 2.8M seems like too much of a discrepancy to be explained by an ever growing population but I haven't given much thought to why.
And it infects millions! 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago
My mistake. For some reason I had it in my head that the US population was 660M and the average life span was 75 years.
And it infects millions! 12 comments
princessmonstertru · 4 years ago even one life is absurd.