Anon knows the lore 5 comments
· 5 years ago
It seems forced because an effort has to be made for inclusion or else it won't be done. People roll their eyes at intentionality because it seems artificial, but in reality you have to make a concerted attempt at these things or else the typical thinking will once again take over. Social change doesn't happen without people saying "we are going to do this, and are going to do this intentionally and with forethought."
Toxic masculinity won guys! Again! 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Exactly. If Gillette actually lost 8 billion dollars they would be bankrupt.
Not the usual adjective+noun insult 21 comments
Dog it yourself 3 comments
· 5 years ago
The only time it works is in The Sopranos episode "Pine Barrens" when the Russian uses the dig-your-own-grave thing to confuse then attack the guys making him do it. It's also a hilarious episode for those uninitiated.
1950s Superman still relevant today! 7 comments
· 5 years ago
It's funny how much Batman has infiltrated out cultural zeitgeist that we try to make other superheroes like him. Superman is not meant to be this dark, brooding hero, although you can take him in that direction when applicable. He's bright and optimistic, but he's no fool, and he doesn't take being treated like one well. He will protect those less fortunate, not punish them for their circumstances. He's the best example of all of us, and I think that gets lost.
Point 4 comments
Financial advice to change your life 13 comments
· 5 years ago
I had to buy a new car because my old one broke down. It was 10K, but I sure as shit don't have 20 just sitting around. Sometimes, real people have to make decisions.
title 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Hot take: Joker was fine. Phoenix was really good in it, but his performance wasn't award worthy, in my opinion.
Destroyed that argument 10 comments
· 5 years ago
It's funny how people counter M4A by saying that we should have the choice of which insurance plan to get when, in reality, they are all basically the same. I can get the Cigna Onyx Blue Plan for $300 a month with a 5K deductible from my employer, or the Cigna Black Diamond plan for $200 a month with a 7K deductible from my employer. They are all also purposefully vague and confusing so as to limit the customers understanding.
title 13 comments
· 5 years ago
I honestly wouldn't know what to do with myself if a woman decided she wanted to do that. Like, I'm an adult who can, and likes to do, my own shit. I don't need a maid.
Tick Tock 23 comments
· 5 years ago
Trying to argue with him is like playing chess with a rooster, Nic. Best to just walk away before he flips the board over and starts talking about his military work.
Debt is weird 20 comments
· 5 years ago
It is absolutely ridiculous how our debt system in this country works.
Brexit returns 2 comments
· 5 years ago
The problem is, Brexit is untenable. The EU will not vote for Brexit-friendly withdraw, and the Tories have no idea what they want out of it besides leaving. There's a reason it's been postponed six months.
Hypocrisy and tokenism at its best 22 comments
· 5 years ago
Also, metacritic weighs different critics and publications differently. The New York Times and Roger Ebert website will get more weight than the Podunk Times of Possum Ridge, Arkansas. And, ya know, weird fan boys review bomb websites all the time.
Embarassing 3 comments
Curiosity killed the cat 5 comments
Can't argue with that 12 comments
- He's right, you know 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah, I have a hard time with the show too. It's not fun for me to watch a show about bad, miserable people being miserable to each other.
Im this old... Boss 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah, it's a pretty old movie, but it's also popular, so it's not some obscure hipster thing.
Dear mr. Zuckerberg 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Hoover tried to get King to commit suicide by threatening to reveal his infidelity. He also tried to create rifts within King's inner circle and have King's confidantes rat on him. It's pretty hard to overstate how scared these people were of MLK.
I bet it only opens if you use a credit card 19 comments
· 5 years ago
Just because it was easy for you doesn't mean it's easy for everybody.