

Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety

— Proxxxy Report User
The art of folding pastry 17 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Were you the one ordering the pizza before?!?!
3 · Edited 10 years ago
I found another one, Guys.. 5 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
like wft is this even
YouTube Problems 7 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
so wait what was the name of the song. I MUST KNOW! oh god someone just tell me
Lol wh*re 14 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I do kind of agree with you on the title thing but the actual post itself is what I've been trying to explain to my friends for ages. our generation gets so overly obsessed with things as soon as they become mildly popular and then fan girl over it (often times ruining the thing for me) and get so wrapped up in it they can never stop until the next massive thing comes out
Clean and clear instructions 34 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
they have it in Australia too
Or quizzes. or essays. schoolwork in general. 2 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
you dont even have to look or listen closely to see or hear me
Living with a 2 year old 4 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
then it starts up again in a couple of years
This kid is going places 4 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
The new iseperator 4 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
but... but why couldnt i have known about this 10 years ago!!!
Silly otters. 15 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
i was gonna say that god dammit
Body paint 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
what if you got her to paint half your face as you and the other half as a really attractive person then you took a bunch of photos and convinced everyone that you actually got a date
This could be us 1 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
yeah, yeah pretty much
The picture is just so accurate 7 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
i hate when i accidentally rhyme, i seem to do it all the...shit!
Nokia's april fools joke 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
i'd buy that. i mean it would never break. through that shit at a wall and its fine. drop an iphone from 2 inches off the ground and...well...time to get a new phone
Several bad puns later... 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
things like this make me laugh and i dont even know why
New favorite loop 2 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
wait. . . wait what
Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya De la Rosa Ramirez 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenberger-
andererintelligentgeschopfsvonhinzwischensternartigraum, Senior
(which begs the question "is there a Junior? And why would he do that to his son?)
We all float down here, kid 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
welcome to australia
That sinking feeling when you get a text like this 15 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
OMG i have someone i need to try this on
When a customer walks in right as we're closing 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
another title could be walking up right as they close
The game has changed forever 17 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
that is just..... *mouth opens and closes like a goldfish*
More escalators should adapt to this design 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
i think that we need these not only on escalators but also in foot paths and in shopping centres because i don't want to walk behind slow people and i don't want people getting agitated when i do
yip,pretty much 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
so thats me all the time because we never have food in our house : (
· Edited 10 years ago
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 11 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
okay, i no longer want one of these, i NEED one
We've been lied to our whole lives 19 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
gasps of shock and horror fill the nation as all the men women and children rebel against the noodle companies demanding their money back