

Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety

— Proxxxy Report User
How to be in a f*cking relationship 44 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
wait! what if you mixed both? chocolate covered tampons
How to be in a f*cking relationship 44 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
What girl isn't turned on by tampons?
How to be in a f*cking relationship 44 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
no because we are all sitting at laptops and desktops and are and will be forever alone
How to create a secret monitor 11 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
im pretty sure you wouldn't forget how to just remove the plastic and replace it with polarised lenses
How to create a secret monitor 11 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
well... I know what I'll be doing with that
Being a good actor isn't easy 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I love johnny Depp. I love him so much
Comment which emoji you are :D 58 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
That is actually adorable
DEM FEELS 40 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
no but maybe their sibling bond and love and jokes could have somehow brought him back. even just for a little bit
sorry for the long post 40 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
sorry for the long post 40 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
hulk smash and iron man
Australia can be pretty sweet 49 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
we are very lazy people. we speak in a flat tone and don't move our tongue very much when we speak giving us unique vowel sounds which is why people find it hard to do Aussie accents because they move their tongues and open their mouths to much. also we just cut out half the letters and shorten everything. so yes we cut out the a, put a glottal stop on the tea and then using our vowel sounds finish the word
Comment which emoji you are :D 58 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Is a butterfly })i({
Australia can be pretty sweet 49 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
OMG WAIT! diary of a wombat! you guys read that book?!
Australia can be pretty sweet 49 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I think you'll find it's pronounced 'straya thank you
That could have been a VERY different picture 3 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
lets face it, most of us are the second kind
DEM FEELS 40 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
that would have made the movie
Shiggy pun 7 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
The weirdest star on Hollywood 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
But how did you get his hair?! IS HE SECRETLY NOT DEAD?!?!!? OMG PLEASE LET THAT BE IT!
College movie nights done right 14 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Bags being on top so I don't get squished by a falling couch
Thrown by the hulk.. (Add on in the comments if you like) 28 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
with legos
DEM FEELS 40 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
to see lucifer
Thrown by the hulk.. (Add on in the comments if you like) 28 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
And then reminds them of all their favourite book characters that died (yes sweggy i'm talking about YOU!)
This man looked familiar 42 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Guys, really, these puns are getting out of hand. Why don't we all just sit down and taco 'bout it?
Thrown by the hulk.. (Add on in the comments if you like) 28 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
some people just need a hug, with a rope, around their neck....
Australia can be pretty sweet 49 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
It's pretty old though you might be able to find some episodes