

Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety

— Proxxxy Report User
Yes 17 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
For you I'd get the leather bound hard copy <3
English 12 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
You don't necessarily have to be a genius and know everything, I just wish people spoke in a more formal manner a lot of the time (not with friends and stuff like that like you can still be fun but be sensible) and had more general knowledge. The lack of general knowledge in people really surprises me sometimes
Life hack 21 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I saw this other post similar to this where someone hid alcohol flasks in tampon wrappers
backseat passenger 7 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Oh shit! at first I was looking in like the back window at the like almost human like person but then I saw it like after seeing it 3 times!
Yo hablo Spanish? 56 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
It's not really latin thats just the name but basically what you do it take the first sound and put it at the end of the word followed by ay. With vowels you take until the next constanant. Examples
Proxxxy = oxxxy-pay
eelluuxx = uuxx-eellay
Fun substance = un-fay ubstance-say
Yo hablo Spanish? 56 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I can do pig latin! Does that count?
Yo hablo Spanish? 56 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Well 'watashi wa' is'I' and a particle so thats 'I...' 'gasu' is the same as 'suki' which is like/love and 'ki' is like extra love and desu is like a full stop so I guess it's close enough.
· Edited 10 years ago
Yo hablo Spanish? 56 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
chocorate suki janai desu (I have no clue if this is right or not)
Yes 17 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
No. Straight blood dripping cows livers. Then you get ice cream, brownies and hot chips with chicken salt (<-- The fucking best thing ever. I will fight you over it)
Yes 17 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Would you eat a cows liver for food?
Yes 17 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Eat what for food? hmm...
Also has bluetooth! 8 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
The new IPad mini mini and the deluxe extra large Iphone
Meanwhile In Australia 12 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Meanwhile In Australia 12 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
¡sʎnƃ ıɥ
My wife likes the Bieber. I prefer the Farley 13 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
OMG the Farley!! Yes!
Group project all by myself 8 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Yo hablo Spanish? 56 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
umm konnichiwa? But I can recite that french poem for you
· Edited 10 years ago
Group project all by myself 8 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Next stop we have the annoying guest who thinks he can be a prick because he can hide behind his anonymity
Kum&Go 10 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Perfectly phrased
Yo hablo Spanish? 56 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I changed from french to japanese 2 years ago and the only thing I remember is this poem we did and the am/are verbs
English 12 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
If only we could all write like this. It would make the world a better place.
Guesswork gorilla just doesn't understand 1 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Such a waste
Nuff said. 27 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
But it is saying that straight couples are allowed to get married pretty much no matter what but gay couples can't in any circumstances in most of the world
Wait a sec...aren't they on the same side? 8 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
awwwww :')
X-Ray of 800 pound man 20 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Well depending on how you are standing your tibia and fibula do bend slightly but not that much. Just imagine the amount of pressure they are under having to carry the rest of him