

Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety

— Proxxxy Report User
Olympic ice skaters' faces before they are skating and while they are skating 19 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
He looks like my grade 4 teacher! :D
Space 5 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
The bar of space - the final of frontiers
Women have some problems you just can't understand 18 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
If I fake being a feminist nazi will you all promise not to downvote me??
And no eyeballs, Sherlock. I don't care if it's an experiment! 8 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Points for not being a dick about a repost
The poor guy couldn't hide forever 5 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Waldo for UK and other places was Wally's brother who was in the books with the wizard and the dog and stuff that you had to find aswell
One of the best 3D gifs I've seen 4 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
The more I look at this the more it fucks me up
Not just inconsiderate, it's illogical 3 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Not just trains but; elevators, stairwells, classrooms, locker rooms. Everywhere basically
For you! 14 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
omg I needed a minute to compose myself after reading that
OPs favourite napkin 5 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
If you used a table cloth instead of a napkin it could be
Humans Need Not Apply 2 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
... well shit
Puppy love 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Does it make me an evil human being if I knew where it was going before the end?
Since when is this ok? 19 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
sometimes they just point in one direction or a small area and they are just like that so you don't know where they are pointing
How little giraffes sleep 4 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
It looks so fluffy
Something broke 19 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I nearly threw up. I hate this kind of stuff. It does remind me of a Reddit thread though where this guys was talking about how in the ER they had some guy come in and when they tried to move his arm it sounded like wet gravel :D Fun times
Something broke 19 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
They'd have to
Feeling fatty & sleepy 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
When you said that I immediately imagined the tiny dog on top of a bowl of pasta covered in tomato sauce. I am a terrible human being...
7 · Edited 10 years ago
Steve Harvey's reactions are better than the actual responses 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I wouldn't want to see that either...
Apply cold water to that awesome burn 16 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Sometimes I think I'm too good for myself even
Apply cold water to that awesome burn 16 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
and guess what? I really don't care
Steve Harvey's reactions are better than the actual responses 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
"At what month of pregnancy does a woman start to look pregnant?"
Welcome to Australia 20 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
You don't even have to be swimming you just have to be in their territory and annoying them
This idiot kid 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
unless of course the kid is like 20 something
Her fourth Stimson's python. 15 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Well spiders that aren't everywhere, like in my shoes and room, and not the size of your hand
Her fourth Stimson's python. 15 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
or spiders... I'd consider going to the dark side just because of the lack of things that will kill me
Amazing argument against gun control 28 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
It might not be. If you do cadets you can do camps and things where you can, at shooting ranges while supervised, shoot guns. They do have massive talks bout safety and all that before hand though. The thing with firearms in Australia is that it is really hard to own one unless you, for example, live on a farm where you may need to shoot animals or do professional shooting or hunting and things like that