

Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety

— Proxxxy Report User
When I graduated, but now have to find a job 6 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
It's like on imgur, people use the same gifs but with different titles to show different things. Example But I do see your point that if suddenly everything is the same posts with different titles that could get annoying but we are nowhere near there yet.
Poor stick man 20 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
The thing is though, because of my high metabolism I don't eat great all the time (lol I eat so much shitty food) and don't like do any sport because I don't see the need to even though I probably should
Voting for a never ending summer 22 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Actually... that's pretty correct. No fucks be given here in Australia
Poor stick man 20 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
I swear to god I have the fastest fucking metabolism ever. I just snack on stuff all day but I never put on any weight. It's kind of annoying
Not okay 11 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
It's okay!! I have the :D part
Water Shark vs Surfer 6 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Water Shark vs Surfer 6 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
I beg to differ poor guest
This toddler goes off at her mum for laughing at her singing 9 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
omg the accent makes it so much better when she gets mad!! Be cuurful, yur gunna choik
19 · Edited 9 years ago
Just got this text. 9 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Probably Wednesday too
Cross section of a pregnant woman during the 9 month pregnancy 26 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
It's kind of interesting. I never realised how high up the baby is and how long it started and how squished all the rest of your organs get.
Museums 16 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
to 8chan!
Dog vs Human Vision 4 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
They might be able to see slightly different colours but it is about the numbre of cones and rods in your eye. Humans have more than dogs so we can see more colours than them. There is this type of krill (i think, idk something like that) that can see over 3 times the amount of colours as us. they see colours we can't imagine. More info on how we see colour here
2 · Edited 9 years ago
Lil Wayne, what rhymes with orange? 3 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
If you say it right 'door hinge' does
Left handed people will know 12 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
There is no lead in pencils, it's all graphite
Left handed people will know 12 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
If you write on both sides of a page in a book and when writing on the right most one you lean your hand on the left and visa versa you can have that happen. Sometimes also if you write kind of pointing downwards so your hand and arm are like above where the pencil is on the paper it can happen too
This is what happens when you buy a $20 punching bag from China 7 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
A $20 punching bag from china XD It was probably filled with rubbish to 1 save them from having to dispose of it some other way and 2 because they needed to fill it with something
Me On Computer 2 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
This is just how I sit.
This would be so great 26 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
A dyslexic man walked into a bra
This would be so great 26 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
I had a thomas the tank engine book and the stars and moon and some other things were glow in the dark
This would be so great 26 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Life is just so hard when trying to read books
This would be so great 26 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Also what if I spill my tea on my book? I can't just not have my tea!
This would be so great 26 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Or waterproof books
Donors 10 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Should we tell? I'm not sure if I want to be the one to break it down.
Pancakes 7 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Yeah you have to be completely focussed and in control of your vehicle at all times in Australia. Doesn't really matter what it is. If it's something small they usually just warn you. If it's something like a phone you get in more trouble though