This is pure evil 7 comments
· 9 years ago
my mum's friend (theyre both Analytical Chemists) was sick of someone eating his LABELLED sandwiches he put in the work fridge that he put Phenolphthalein in it (the colour indicator) which also gived u chronic diarhoea when ingested so he could catch the sandwich theif. He did, when the thief he had to rush home with the runs!
Tumblr fanfiction at its best 8 comments
A few questions 21 comments
I have mixed feeling about this picture 7 comments
#menimisttwitter compilation 48 comments
· 10 years ago
yeah but feminism already means equality, based on the sexes. Equalitism (which does sound cool :P) is not specific enough for a "based on the sexes" view, equalitism sounds like something that covers all; sex, religion, race etc. I think people really just need to understand that Feminism is not just the name "for women" but for both, and if people can't accept the "feminine" name well... you can see why we need it.
True definition of Feminism 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Thanks for the support :) I'm glad this is still getting viewed even 24 weeks later. I think it was a message that needed to be said.
It's a small world 25 comments
· 10 years ago
But they are talking about city, not town. I live in Sydney and it takes me 45 mins to drive to the inner city and there are still suburbs further away that still live in the city of Sydney.
Ew dish water 5 comments
· 10 years ago
this is why I don't soak my dishes, I'd rather scrub the hell out of them for ages than do the soak.
This changes everything! 22 comments
· 10 years ago
well if you go population wise, aus has a much lower population compared to texas itself.
aus = approx. 23.13 million
texas = approx. 26.45 million
so it's kind of fair that they compare them.
Edited 10 years ago
aus = approx. 23.13 million
texas = approx. 26.45 million
so it's kind of fair that they compare them.
Biology class guest 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I did this in year 6, my friend was borrowing it from me for a haunted house thing at school. The day she returned it to me it stayed in class sitting opposite me in another friend's seat who was away that day. Everyone treated the skeleton like my away friend asking why she was reading too slow and that she looked very sick and thin. fun times.
Sibling love 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I did that to my sister, my grandma was looking for her everywhere while i sat on top of the bucket with her underneath pretending i knew nothing.
People Just Don't Seem To Understand 18 comments
People Just Don't Seem To Understand 18 comments
· 10 years ago
could you please explain how, (I'm not trying to start an argument or anything), I just wanna know why exercise is bad for anxiety sufferers? I thought exercise released endorphins which would make people happy.
Pokémon Airlines 15 comments
Being legit in the 2000s 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I had the razor in 2010...when it was not so cool. I still loved mine though, the flip open was so dramatic.
Edited 10 years ago
Bottled water logic 6 comments
I would stay there forever 16 comments
What? 9 comments
· 10 years ago
nope always hated him. I mean yeah he was the "good guy". but from the very first appearance you could see how he always treated walter like shit.
I think he doesn't like the gift 4 comments
· 10 years ago
They did this as revenge for the parents being assholes on the show King of Queens.