

— punchmunchkin Report User
Hipster Henry (getting a divorce before it was cool) 7 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
I really love this meme format
11 · Edited 7 years ago
Installed in 1410, the 600 yr old clock in Prague is the world's oldest astrological clock 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
It's so cool to watch this at the hour bc all the figurines come out and they're so ancient and intricate
Serious inquires only 12 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
10/10 would still buy
Dolphin meets dog 3 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Dolphin is water dog
All these toys but this is what you chew on 2 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Well A lady gets what she wants. 5 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
She's got a great bf tho, seems chill
Rome you mad 8 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Your comment made my day
Is this why all the men online are so angry? 8 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
A magical thing called genetic engineering
floof 6 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
He wants a hug you fools do not let the cutie pie go without a hug
Feels... with a twist. 12 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Wait so he ended up marrying the mom and the sick girl is his stepdaughter now? That's actually awesome
That is love 8 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
If I were you I wouldn't be ashamed of them. I mean, you know the truth behind the cuts, so who cares? People who DO cut shouldn't be ashamed of their scars either, I think of them as battle scars that I proudly wear to show people what I survived through. Not to mention, that kind lady was only trying to be helpful, I would've been touched honestly.
But I guess it's scary with new things 18 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
GMO crops have been integrated in American society (and most of the rest of the world) for almost fifty years. People are only just now making a big deal out of it because they're finally paying attention. GMOs are great and have helped our economy so much
Ban bad owners not good dogs 5 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
My running friend has this precious pit bull, and he brought it to practice once so I could meet it. I didn't even them coming, and the dog waltzed straight up to me, sat down on my toes, and laid his head against my leg. I had never met this dog before in my life but he was such a sweetheart.
Germans be like 10 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Fucking close to water :D
Barack Obama's response to Charlottesville violence is the most liked tweet 25 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
How about y'all just sit tf down (not you @ewqua) and realize that it's referring to mankind as a whole, and not just males? Can we for once appreciate a good quote for what it's worth instead of trying to turn it into something sexist when it's not?
Haunting images from WWII 15 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
What the fuck is wrong with you
Haunting images from WWII 15 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
It wasn't that the soldiers were inhumane in mindset, but that they had been almost brainwashed to believe that these people were less than human. If anyone had done the same to the soldiers' loved ones, they would've stopped them immediately, but because the Jews and other groups were seen as only lowlife creatures instead of humans, it made the atrocities easier to handle on the mind of a soldier.
Crown shyness, a phenomenon where the leaves of individual trees don't touch others 9 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
think you forgot a word there buddy
it should be
a *rad phenomenon
· Edited 7 years ago
Hydrofoil surfing 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
I really feel like there's just a person under the waves holding on to the pole connected to the bottom of the board, and they're just moving it up and down like a puppet
Revenge failed 3 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
That's really disrespectful though. Like, it's smart and amusing, but I hate people who are rude to waitstaff
27 · Edited 7 years ago
The butterfly effect 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
But would he have been in LA if it weren't for the bills?
Mathematically correct tweet 5 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
Is that Charlie Puth in the first pic?
Tree root that looks like a monkey 2 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
What are you talking about it's obviously just a small monkey who was frozen by an evil warlock and now you have to save him before the tree roots encase him forever
What else can you cheat on 2 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
A mall display 4 comments
punchmunchkin · 7 years ago
A *rad display