I believe a lot of people do 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I think she had already had a nose job in the first picture.
OH MY GOD 4 comments
Hell yeah 19 comments
Murica spends most of it's yeas at war 65 comments
No foreign affairs either. 3 comments
Tennants the Pluto guy 19 comments
· 9 years ago
The IAU set 3 requirements for planetary status. Pluto meets 2 of 3, it orbits the sun and is spherical. Where it fails is the third requirement which states that it has to have cleared its path around the sun, basically it has to be the supreme object within its orbit, Pluto’s orbit intersects with Neptune’s disqualifying it from planetary status. The amount of moons it possesses and the fact that it has an atmosphere is irrelevant.
Google hiring goats, is this true? 17 comments
NASA, you need to explore this pronto 7 comments
· 9 years ago
If you sent New Horizons to the Super Void it would take just over 55 trillion years to reach its edge
How Europeans imagine 'Muricans 38 comments
Hmmm?¿?¿ 18 comments
The Night 7 comments