

— PutOnYourSlacks Report User
Bound together forever 26 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
I think it's a Protoceratops.
The real way to eat ramen 5 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
Can a German person confirm? 23 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
Who agrees? 11 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.
iSpy 23 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
Pulp Fiction didn't come out till 1994.
42 4 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
Perfect title.
Owning a motorcycle: Expectations vs. Reality 5 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
Very similar to having awesome facial hair.
Let us never forget the time Homer said something smart 2 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
I would up vote this twice if I could.
They screwed up big time 5 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
It was actually a discrepancy between two computer programs one using newton-seconds and the other using pound-seconds.
Tada! 14 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
There were men executed for witchcraft as well as women.
The real cause 26 comments
putonyourslacks · 7 years ago
I don't think these issues are comparable.
Anyone remembers these bad boys? 1 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
Dope as hell!
California vs Texas 27 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
The 5th oldest tree 11 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
When I heard Bernie is out and it's either Trump or Hillary 24 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
He hasn't officially quit running but since he lost the California primary yesterday he's too far behind Hillary to win the nomination.
Beautiful girl has got those Disney eyes going on 8 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
They look photoshopped to me.
It's like there's been an invasion 17 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
Thank you!
How godzilla was created 5 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
Godzilla was created during a nuclear test in the south pacific.
It's just physics doing its shit 48 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
Dr. Manhattan can manipulate matter on an atomic scale, he wouldn't even have to touch someone to kill them.
It's just physics doing its shit 48 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
Dr. Manhattan is the most powerful super hero.
Anyone else? 12 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
It just gets worse as time goes on.
This bridge in Canada looks like it's in Endor 11 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
Looks more like the forest moon of Endor to me!
Respect for plumbers 15 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
Most skilled trades are these days.
Muscle or import? 28 comments
putonyourslacks · 8 years ago
Its comparing apples to oranges.