Both of them 10 comments
· 7 years ago
I would have to ask her to spell the color then the fruit just to see how she spells one different then the other. Wonder if she is from the hood and spells the fruit like runje or some shit.
the galaxy is too small for your dreams 4 comments
· 7 years ago
My dream is to use telekinesis to make that no talent piece of shit jaden smith's head explode hasn't worked yet but ill keep trying to follow my dream at least till this moron forgets how to breath and dies from lack of oxygen or something similar.
this is sad 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Wow great counter point I guess your right I shouldn't say any thing. If it leads to confused transgenders killing them self its all good as long as I don't blow it out of proportion thanks I didn't see it that way I bow down to your great wisdom.
this is sad 26 comments
· 7 years ago
and 20 year's from now they are the same people that won't under stand why there kid suicided. The other problem is this kind of bull shit spreads from one idiot to another and picks up momentum. There is a chance next year you'll heir about this but it will be said it was a study done by Harvard or some thing. This is how we ended up with anti vaxers it wasn't because vaccines cause autism its because idiots believed bull shit and blew it way out of proportion.
this is sad 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Its not about adult issues and kid issues its about kids not caring about this stuff if you ask a kid about north Korea he will give you his opinion because its on the news but he wont tell you he is worried about going bald when he grows up its not a subject all over the TV and he doesn't see the world that way, grown up are bald kids aren't bald. At 9 kids don't know they are going to get hair all over adults have beards and stuff not kids same thing will suppose to like violence that is a grown up concept a kid doesn't know what violence is there is scary or funny or silly but tom hitting Jerry with a hammer is just as violent as sponge bob hitting Squidward with a crabby patty a kid sees it as funny adults teach kids one is ok and the other is violent. Some one said hay we have to show its wrong to try to get boys to be gender specific and made this crap. There the same kind of morons that wont let there boys play with tonka trucks but push my little pony's on them
A reminder! 14 comments
this is sad 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Wow what a load of shit ya every 9 year old worries about growing hair every where oh and not able to be a cheerleader and suppose to like violence ya sure that's what 9 year olds think this crap makes me sick. Who ever James is he is a fucking liar. Ether this was a select group of liberal kids that were coached or no kids were ever asked this question or gave these answers. I'd bet my left nut James just happens to support Hillary and supports the lgbt ya just happens.
A reminder! 14 comments
· 7 years ago
ya man its like all those skydivers that there chute didn't open and they died hitting the ground more good times or the people drowning in there Owen swimming pool more good times maybe the government can ban all this stuff to keep us safe right? This is the problem if I have to explain you'll never get it. there is more to being alive then just staying alive.
A reminder! 14 comments
· 7 years ago
I wear a helmet most of the time but love living in a state where its optional no government sticking there nose in your business. Don't want to wear one your choice. Sky diving, white water rafting all dangerous all up to you. Your life your choice that's what freedom is all about.
Woman Removes Six Ribs To Look Like Wonder Woman 34 comments
Flat earth 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Got to be a publicity stunt to get noticed no one can really be this stupid not even a rapper.
Immunology humor 5 comments
How times have changed 19 comments
· 7 years ago
Not to mention they are comparing the 1950. Back then you got a job you worked your ass off by the time the day was done you were dead on your feet. Now we have machines that do 1/2 those jobs and a work force that moves at a snails pace and can't get a order right at mc Donald but wants to make 60k a year. you don't have a college degree but want good money no problem go join a black top crew or a roofing company you'll make good money but you'll work your ass off earning it. But no one want a job that they have to actually work at.
That's a good joke 14 comments
· 7 years ago
1 As humans mayb we should try to be better then animals and not decide what is ok to do because they do it. a horse will walk down the street and just take a shit right there so its ok for people to do it? Incest is normal for animals that ok to? I think not. 2 find one species in nature that the male stands still wile another male inserts penis in rectum until ejaculation (over 450 species it should be easy to find video) there isn't any. About the closest they can come to animal homosexuality is bonobos most examples are way less and come out to be equal to two girls bump chest and some one believes there gay lovers now. If you're gay so what most of us don't really care but don't try to push that its normal.
Think about it for 5sec 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Its a shame its more then just shop we need. We need to teach self value I guess id call it. I build stuff all the time some things I can buy cheaper some things I can get from the store that are made better but when you build it your self you just have this thing in your hands that you can say ya I build that it may not last as long or be as pretty but that doesn't matter I build it with these hands and this brain. Its like plant a tomato seed I don't care weather the plant has 20 tomatoes or only one your going to feel way better then going and buying 50 tomatoes from the store because you grew it. That's what we need to teach more of.
Listen to your saviour 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Can't we stop making posts and memes about this idiot so maybe he will go a way.
Edited 7 years ago
Veganism causes autism 28 comments
· 7 years ago
Guest its not hate or dislike exactly People are pack animals like wolfs so individuals that are sick, weak or are different then the pack are driven out or killed we are more evolved so we don't do that but its still deep down in our genes or instinct or what ever to feel that person is not part of the pack or feels off to us so some people act uncomfortable wile others over compensate. The really funny part is the humans that are the most pack like act the lest like it around autistic and autistic like people take a autistic person around sports team, fire fighters, or bickers and they don't shy away or overcompensate they treat them like any other person. We really are a weird species.
Reasons not to go out in a hurricane 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Number one I call bull shit the board is to soft to come out perfect on either end like that it would be splintered all to shit second if you need a pic like this to realize not to go out in a hurricane then I say go out. Grab your kite and beer and go for it you're tougher then a hurricane aren't you or are you a pussy.
Veganism causes autism 28 comments
Step 4...Profit? 10 comments
· 7 years ago
1.5 billion shit you could dump a truck load of them and I'd hose them down with a flame thrower if you asked me for that kind of money.
The tweet of the day 14 comments
· 7 years ago
I think its your business its up to you you don't want to sell to blacks or gays you shouldn't have to but you won't be in business long that way. But that's not what this crap is about its about getting attention if they really didn't want to sell cakes its easy you put up a sign " its your special day one of the most important in your life I hate gays but im forced to make you a cake how good of a job do you think ill do?" now I don't know about others but id take my business some place else and again there not going to be in business long.
It just had to happen 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Man I was thinking the same thing did they make it out of dog shit then bronze it and paint it or some thing wtf.
They're plotting something 5 comments
· 7 years ago
This isn't what you think it is...because you can't see the one in the middle.