I like nerf guns 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Jesus wouldn't be against guns or hammers or baseball bats he would be against people killing each other no matter what tool they use. Its like saying Jesus would be against cars because of what happened in nice France. Do you really think Jesus cares that I go shooting bottles and cans at the range? Stop trying to pass your ignorance off as wisdom and learn what he really taught.
You can get away from that 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Either a state that doesn't require a license plate on the front or they took the time to remove it if so they really didn't want police involved.
Of course not 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Not every one can be rich not every one can be beautiful not every one can be popular welcome to the real world. But you can have a code of honor you live by and convictions you stand by and the friends you have will know exactly what you. it makes it easier to find real friends. Not just hanger-ons like the popular people have.
When the employer treats them unfairly 21 comments
· 7 years ago
I bet it was a April fools joke. With the unemployment rate what it is you won't get that many people to resigns even with a crappy contract.
Going undercover to get laid 15 comments
· 7 years ago
it was a rally for people that were so stupid most of them were going to vote for Hillary No wonder it was easy the get her in bed. And the anal well if you were going to vote for Hillary you were planning on getting fucked in the ass already.
200% triggered 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I agree that's why McDonald's is going to fail why would any one pay 5 dollars for a burger when he can get a burger for like two dollar from one of those trucks that drive to construction sights or make one at home for like one dollar. Just you wait, you capital pigs will see socialism will work some day.
Don't worry, it's not their house 79 comments
· 7 years ago
I just love how anti gun idiots will try to convince people that this is real. Next week you'll probably see this pic with the caption five people killed with a assault weapon with a bump stock. That's the 2 hot words today for anti gunners.
What a roast, but she had it coming 10 comments
· 7 years ago
This is absolutely true I was there she jumped on a unicorn and road in to the sunset after. We all bowed down to her wile she passed us.
Sometimes reality is different 20 comments
· 7 years ago
I was raised to have honor so yes children first then woman then men and you fight for woman and children. Any man that has no honor and takes their seat gets tossed overboard. Its like if you see some one trying to kidnap a child you step. In if he has a knife of gun so be it I'd rather die fighting then live the life of a coward. But I was raised in a different time. Things like its not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country had meaning. Now a days the slogan is what's in it for me. Sad times we live in When selfish greedy and cowardly is the norm.
If The Lion King was made by National Geographic instead of Disney 10 comments
· 7 years ago
dammit simba you were told not to go to the shadow place. freaking kid listens as well as Carl.
They should have returned the slab 19 comments
As amazing as this is...Why? 14 comments
· 7 years ago
No way because the aliens or Jesus will save me and we will ride magical unicorns around with Santa clause. and live happily ever after.
As amazing as this is...Why? 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Limited resources in this country and you want to let every piece of shit in I'd say you're the stupid one. And no I don't care they can all die and all the children in Africa can starve and die along with them. And all the ones here can lose there food stamps and free health care and die too. I take care of my Owen let the lesser's take care of them selves or die or what ever. As long as I don't have to pay for them or deal with them dragging this country down any further I don't care what happens to them.
As amazing as this is...Why? 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Have you ever considered I don't care how the cesspool was created I just don't want the shit floating in my town.
Dat mine. I has. Dat. Give dat 8 comments
· 7 years ago
lol Yes im a dog person and what the media has done to pitbulls pisses me off to no end.
Edited 7 years ago
Dat mine. I has. Dat. Give dat 8 comments
· 7 years ago
What are you trying to say the news lied? I don't know he is pretty shifty looking. Mater of fact ill bet this dog was in on a hedge fund scam then came here acting all cute then shot this poor guy. Look at that face you just know its a killer bet he has a gun behind his back. The guy thinks the dog is all cute and helpful with investments and BAM the man is dead yup that's the pit bull absolutely deadly.
Such a little boss 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Wouldn't it be funny as shit if the 6 year old was wrong and they did go to hell. God would be like hay I warned you but you stupid ass's listened to a six year old LOL
Rick and Morty fans are getting out of control 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Didn't even catch that but you're right who the hell lets a 9 year old watch this show.
Much faster 9 comments
· 7 years ago
shit most people don't realize him and Larry flint did more for this country then most. Freedom of speech was made 10 times clearer and stronger not to mention the hole sexual revolution side of it. But some one told these idiots white is bad. I say go to Africa or Saudi Arabia or any country that's hasn't been ran buy rich white guys see how happy they are living there.
It's Elon Musk again 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Funny back in the day you had to put in bids to compete with other company's for contracts to get jobs like this but this guy is willing to pass on the hole biding system and just do it, good for him. Cut out that lowest bidder crap.
Sleeping beauty 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Is that a pitbull? Careful the media says they are really dangerous I can't see his other paw he could have a gun.
A time-travelling socialist emperor. Your argument is invalid 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes this is what comes out of the south end of a north bound horse. He wasn't a time traveler he freed the slaves for a short time then repealed it . He is believed to be the first to try socialism and the results were about what would be expected he redistributed land he created monopolies and forced men to join the army and enslaved woman and child. Its not that he was a total bad guy but socialism doesn't work. and corruption was a big problem with I guess you would call them politicians? around him. this meme is crap but his real story is pretty interesting.