Creepy 8 comments
· 7 years ago
alot of them come from this site https://www.creepypasta.com/
Oh boy 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Still makes me sad that Diana died. She would of made a good queen. Even as an America I felt like she was the princess to all of us and the hole world took a loss with her passing.
This useless spare tire 12 comments
· 7 years ago
lol ya I kind of go off some times and its hard to joke in posts can't hear the tone of voice so it makes this harder. And no it wasn't me you got in to it with last year not that I remember. as far as I'm concerned cop says drop the weapon and you don't then you get a round to the chest. im against cops on some things but I don't recall a instance of that ever being one of them.
This useless spare tire 12 comments
· 7 years ago
ya oddly enough there really isn't any study on it. I wonder if no study works because there are so many guys that got like 3 inches but lie to themselves that they are hung like a horse and that gives them confidence lol. could make a career out of studying this and it really would be interesting. truly i'm betting its outside factors that really count. guy has 3 inches and his first girl tells him he was great in bed so he has confidence guy with 5 inches has a bad first girl tells him he was terrible in bed and her new guy has 8 inches so no confidence. And either guy would buy a Ferrari if they hit the lottery and size has nothing to do with it.
This useless spare tire 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Studies? Facts? Statistics? Or you read it on the internet so it must be true? it just pisses me off if you work your ass off to get nice thing some ass hole on the internet has to put you down and its just jealousy. For all we know mud bogging might be this guys thing in life his passion and he works hard for it maybe he rides on the back of a garbage truck 80 hour a week in the heat and cold so he can have this one nice thing he really enjoys and a douchebag has to comment "oh he must have a really small dick". it just annoys me. Oh and no that's not what peacocking is. peacocking is more like a strait guy dressing like a gay guy with really bad fashion sense all to attract girls look up pic of it . its realy kind of funny.
You subconscious mind is stopping you 7 comments
This useless spare tire 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Wow that's a lot of jealousy you got there. you do know big penis equals confidence which leads to success so you can buy toys like this don't you? So all in all I guess you should be jealous this guy has a nice toy and probably a big dick probably the hot wife to go with it to, the bastard.
Probably the neighborhood of tomorrow 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Some thing that's really scary is that this is illegal in some cities. if you try to grow your own food in your front yard you will be fined and can be arrested if you don't tear it down.
Stop tempting me 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Should legalize it and cut down the population. The ones that will actually take it are no loss.
Roses are red, blue are smurf's d*ck 9 comments
· 7 years ago
They got the flu it had nothing to do with the milk. And There is nothing wrong with raw milk. Its the people that are the problem in most cases. it has to be done sanitary all equipment sterilized and such. If I had my own cow I wouldn't worry but a unknown source for raw milk would scare me a little.
Retired Marine keeps promise made in bunker in Vietnam 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Not just show either. Try to mess with the body and id still put my money on the old man kicking ass.or die trying.
Another celebrity scandal 4 comments
· 7 years ago
it already is not the actual ones but all the fake accusers. Its starting to feel like that episode of south park with sexual harassment panda.
American problems 13 comments
· 7 years ago
ok when we start getting toddlers choking on ar15's I'll see your point and agree to ban them. Till then ill just think you're a moron.
That's true 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Cool so if I put human blood cell and little water melons and say African blood cells that ok now I guess.
Ooh that guy 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh right the other Obama the one with no balls and a dick smaller then his husbands.
Could Someone Explain the Ending for me? 19 comments
· 7 years ago
Simple love story about a alien and a human but the true lesson is you don't kill the freaking dog even aliens wont put up with that shit.
"chubby puppies that look like teddy bears" 9 comments
· 7 years ago
All cute but a lot of these are not what you would call entry level dogs. if you never had a dog before don't start with the more difficult ones. Puppies are cute but do your research don't just by one because its sooo adorable that's how we get dogs that are mean or bite or what not.
Pack of vicious beasts 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Got to photo shop some guns in the dogs paws and it would be the top story for every liberal media sight.
This brilliant idea should become a thing 15 comments
· 7 years ago
So instead of giving some one training like the police get to make them safe with a fire arm im suppose to trust my child's life to a untrained individual with a fire extinguisher I believe that's called libtarded.
This guy was parked in front of the shopping cart stall 1 comments
· 7 years ago
Is it still funny if its some 80 year old lady or maybe a old WW2 vet that didn't realize what it was? Its not always a good idea to follow other when you don't know the situation.
Sometimes reality is different 20 comments
· 7 years ago
I support the best candidate. it was president trump this time not because he is a great guy. Because I feel he is trying to do the best for the country.
Big blind spots 12 comments
· 7 years ago
The trucks aren't dangerous its the cars around them that zoom in and out of traffic and go flying in and slam on the breaks and are just stupid in general. If you look at statistics the truck isn't usually at fault and when it is its either drugs to stay awake because they are over worked or they fell asleep at the wheel. In the us tractor trailers are only allowed to be on the road for 8 hour at a time but you wont keep your job that way so 2 sets of log books drivers know it company knows it and cops know it but very little being done to stop it. a few companies doing gps to put a stop to it but I have my doubts about there success rate and honesty.
I like nerf guns 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Do you even know what exclusively means? a black powder rifle was built for hunting so it kills and can be used to kill people so was that build exclusively to kill and should be banned? you buy a AR at the Walmart it was build for civilian use never to be used to kill people unless you buy it for home defense so exclusively doesn't apply so its ok right? But that's not the question the question is do you believe Jesus would come here and wave a magic want and make all the guns disappear and say oh im so proud of you humans the evil guns were here and you only kills millions with war and criminal activity? Or do you think he would be disappointed in us for building some thing that can be so much fun and instead using it to kill each other.
A very "metal" pupper 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Killing each other isn't bad enough so we drag the innocent in to it to. We should be so proud of ourselves such a wonderful species.