

— rachee Report User
So we went to the store yesterday and this was across the street lmfao 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
ya its a duck boat they use them for giving guided tours. and that one is pretty bland looking. on google type duck tour boat pic there trippy.
Woman beat up pensioner with no thought of the consequences 14 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
no she didn't she got off light. if she was doused in gasoline and light on fire she would have got what was coming to her.
Know your demographic 18 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
just cant figure out which pisses off the liberals worse the freedom to own a gun the freedom of religion or just plain the freedom the flag stands for. guess it doesn't matter all three were here long before the liberals and will be here long after there all gone.
Some people ask a lot of those around them 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
depends on the situation but could lend her 2 or 3 hens till she raises her own but she sounds like an entitled twit I'd tell he piss off.
'We found the leak.' 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
well luckily it went throw the bald one that looks like it was siting in a junk yard.
Sleeve tattoo 11 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
DnD - Word has it Noah was the only survivor 9 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
worst part is when he tossed the stone the gm got a little smile because he was waiting for some one to come along and do just that.
Get some god damn therapy 26 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
as for disciplining kids the less discipline we have done the worse the world has gotten. the kids have been coddled so bad half of them are running wild while the other half need a safe space because words hurt there feeling. but instead of saying we made a mistake some times a kid needs a smack in the ass there just going to keep doubling down no matter how many of us say we got spanked and are better for it. either way its to had to have a real discussion on line about a topic this big and i've wasted enough time on it so i'm going to leave it off here.
Get some god damn therapy 26 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
to much to get in to on line all i can say is these snake oil sales men had study's to prove many treatments lobotomy's, shock treatment, blood letting, Isolation, i wont even get in to the treatments for hysteria and on and on, till 1982 they were still doing Metrazol Therapy with meds that caused patients to break there own bones. the only thing they've proven is mental health professionals were just as arrogant then as they are now and just as unwilling to admit they were wrong. if you tell them they are wrong they will tell you how much schooling they have had, but memorizing wrong information doesn't make it right. you literally have people saying that they were spanked and turned out better for it and the mental health people say no no your wrong i had a hypothesis and proved it with study's. but study's are always manipulated on purpose or by accident and mental health study have to many variables to be nearly as acute as they make it out to be.
Get some god damn therapy 26 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
sorry but i have to disagree. i see how kids were disciplined and how they grew up and i see how there not disciplined and how it is today and it was better before. disciplined not abused. second a lot of times mental abuse can do way more damage than physical abuse even if the parent is heavy handed where do you draw that line between disciplining and mentally abusing a kid. a smack on the ass is way better than shaming which seems to be popular today. third if you get a kid that you can't control the damage he can do to him self is way worse than a smack on the ass to straighten him out as in to little discipline can lead to drugs, crime, gang involvement, or all kinds of other shit. i'm not saying go right to spanking. some kids talking to works some need to be grounded to under stand whats not acceptable behavior and others need a smack on the ass as a wake up call.
Get some god damn therapy 26 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
there's a difference between being abused and being disciplined. if you don't see a difference you were probably abused. when i was like 6 i got a spanking because my father caught me riding my big wheel down a 4 lane highway rt 130 that wasn't abuse that was me scaring the shit out of my parents and my parents trying to keep a kid from getting splattered in to road pizza not abuse. last time i got smacked i was like 14 shoplifting again not abuse a wake up call not to be a scum bag. do i thank my father, I've never served time in jail and can hold my head up with pride being the man i became, yes i certainly thank my father.
The struggles of drawing the second eye 3 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
screw it just tell people she's pooping really hard.
Ritratto - Ivana Brosevic 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
that's the worst camera in the world, the pic is blurry as shit. that camera is only good for taking pics of Sasquatch and ufo's.
The Importance of Having a Sense of Humor 7 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
so how did you do during the pandemic? well the food ran low and no toilet paper after 2 weeks but we had a bag of weed and sponge bob so we survived.
Welcome to Malaysia 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
government forcing medical procedures on the people well that couldn't possibly lead to bad things. i remember when they were sterilizing low-income blacks illegally till they got caught. imagine what it would be like if we can just force medical procedures for the good of the country. living on welfare spitting out half a dozen kids well we can fix that or got pregnant at 15 that's to young for the good of the community abortion and gods only knows no thanks id rather deal with a couple stupid people then give the government that kind of power over us.
Girl with Albinism and Heterochromia 6 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
this pic is true. most albino have either blue or brown eyes not red and the hair can have color too it all depends on how much melanin their body makes. but to be albino with a brown lock and one blue and one brown eye is like hitting the genetic lottery the odds have to be incredible if there wasn't nine billion people on earth we'd probably never see this combo.
This.. Is.. Amazing 1 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
we are pack.
I am once again asking for your crumbs 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
oh the fox news band wagon nice shouldn't you be calling me a boomer next and yelling yeet while putting tide pods up your ass or some thing. from your comments i can only concluded you're one of the morons that drinks the cool aid by the gallon and i won't waste my time on you. bernie is a piece of shit and will be a totally irrelevant piece of shit soon enough. even the democrats turned on him twice now, not that that's a surprise with that nest of vipers. trump will be in for four more years believe it or not i cant say i care either way what you believe.
Welcome back,tiger 1 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
sounds good but if there's only 100 tigers 33% relay isn't good.
Natalie Portman and Millie Bobby Brown at the same age 4 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
you had sex with her mother? lol
I am once again asking for your crumbs 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
and it's not my job to help them fix their mistakes and it's certainly not my responsibility to fix their financial problems. which brings us back to the mooch who can keep his hands in his pockets and keep them out of mine.
I am once again asking for your crumbs 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
i don't want to use any buzz words so ill just say it out right Bernie Sanders is a scum bag. i wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. he wants to take what i work for and give it to people who didn't work for it. i thank god everyday he didn't win the election especially now with this virus going on. hell i hated Clinton and even she would have done better with this then the mooch. and yes im going to take the money i worked for and buy things i like from amazon if Jeff Bezos tries to mooch free money off me then I'll have a problem with him about being a mooch as well. as for the employee, their responsible for their own lives they are not my responsibility. they can quit their jobs or stay at a job with shit wages or drive their car off a cliff i couldn't care less about any of them. if the best they can do is warehouse job they have probably made some really bad mistakes in life.
I am once again asking for your crumbs 8 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
he does have that look like "ya i could work for my own seed but i'd rather mooch it off others".
Well move over Sarah I need me some Medea 24 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
a burger can be any ground meat including chicken but a chicken sandwich can only be chicken it can be ground chicken or sliced but only chicken.
Germany is ready to take on the mole men 2 comments
rachee · 4 years ago
Into every generation a slayer is born: one girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wield the strength and skill to fight the vampires. you're going to need her because that's a hell gate. sun goes down and vampires are definitely coming out of there.