Hola, I'm just a girl who loves Sherlock, doctor who and Harry potter. And books. Lots of books. :P
— Niamh Report User
Are you scared? 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I got stuck on that ride for 15 minutes in the graveyard part and we just sat there but the bucket we sat in was leaning back at the point when we stopped so we were almost lying down the whole time
The neglected dog next door 31 comments
· 10 years ago
That is not a good idea! My dog has pancreatitis and now she has a special diet and if she eats anything she is not supposed to she could get very sick and die and things like that happen a lot to older dogs and you don't know if he has dietary problems of not! If you really think that there's a problem talk to the owners and if they seem like they don't care about their dog's wellbeing THEN you should call your local animal protection. Also this dog looks absolutely fine!
Downvote me to hell I dont care I'm just saying the right thing to do.
Edited 10 years ago
Downvote me to hell I dont care I'm just saying the right thing to do.
Kristina Webb + Frozen = BEST MIX EVER 11 comments
The feely feel that feels . . 19 comments
Building Earthships 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I saw these in Taos, New Mexico there are a few of them that you can get a tour at. They are really cool
This winter has been pretty metal 8 comments
This girl really needs to eat something 52 comments
This girl really needs to eat something 52 comments
· 10 years ago
I have a thigh gap but it's due to a hip malformation and high metabolism, so it's not always due to starving yourself.