

— randomboy97 Report User
Can someone make me a dragon please 5 comments
randomboy97 · 8 years ago
Well isn't that beauty and the beast just beauty and the big bad ass dragon?
Teach me your ways, Master Snowden 13 comments
randomboy97 · 8 years ago
Not only 16 hours one way 16 hours there and back 32 hours in total! Haha
What can be worse than running into a real life T-Rex? 19 comments
randomboy97 · 8 years ago
Haha look he has no bottom of his mouth so if you get eaten you just fall out just don't get close to the teeth haha
awake up 28 comments
randomboy97 · 8 years ago
My teacher once sent a kid home so he could rest because something had made him fall asleep
How Nintendo plans their E3 3 comments
randomboy97 · 8 years ago
Why would you leave for Zelda you should stay and be excited for it haha jk
Books are Awesome! 4 comments
randomboy97 · 8 years ago
Or you can get drunk read an entire book in one night if you love it you forget it and read it again in the morning or if you hate it there's a reason you threw it away when you were drunk
Hell yeah... 11 comments
randomboy97 · 8 years ago
Hey you pee every single day yes it may be bad when you sneeze when on a period but every single day you risk sneezing and pissing all over the walls on your pants (or if you're wearing shorts legs) your shoes down your socks its a real problem
This background should be a meme 23 comments
randomboy97 · 8 years ago
Kris haha short name of it
H̶͢e ͢c҉ó͝͞m̕es̕ 65 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
I imagined it to be sonic idk I didn't think a stick figure man running could keep up so sonic was my man... hedgehog
· Edited 9 years ago
Could not help but share this 9 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
Someone's gotta do it
Portrait of Mars Rover Curiosity. who took this picture? 3 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
It's been two years in the making for an answer haha but the rover takes a number of pictures with a selfie stick probably about 40 I think the puts all the pics together in one big one and automatically takes out the stick in the process so it can have the entire pic of the rover to send back
When you're too lazy to text back 11 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
Ahhh not animal haha anime stupid auto correct
When you're too lazy to text back 11 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
What animal is this because this seems like my kind of show
How would you like this new kind of tub! 32 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
"Honey you want me to join you in the shower"-husband "nope"-wife "why?"-husband "Because you literally can't"-wife
How would you like this new kind of tub! 32 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
Just wait for the day that you forget that you leave the water on and accept your fate
Saying goodbye to his beard with style 4 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
Say goodbye to the beard and his hair look at the first then the lastthe baby face would look better with a actual good hair cut
Makes me cry 7 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
Just when you thought that was the perfect ending to a franchise "but wait there's more" a fast 8 has already been planned that's all I know so far but just whyyy let the poor franchise die peacefully stop bringing it back from the dead bc the only response you'll get from it is "please kill me!!!!"
I live in Failsworth 3 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
It looks like that car is parked haha
I bet you didn't see that coming 18 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
But yeah I knew that it's made of both but it would have ruined the joke
I bet you didn't see that coming 18 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
I got that comment from someone else blame them not me haha
I bet you didn't see that coming 18 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
Captain America's shield is made of adamantium halkeyes shield is made of quicksilver
Good luck with that one 13 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
That's better haha
Good luck with that one 13 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
Just text and say it's the wrong number if it's the dad but if the daughter responds acting like the dad you might have a bad time haha
mfw watching a movie again while my friends suffer through the plot twists 26 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
Captain America's shield is made from vibranium Hawkeye's shield is made from quicksilver
Dog is the baby's protector 6 comments
randomboy97 · 9 years ago
This one is not quite ripe I'll give him a few more years.