

— Rapunzel Report User
Truth has been spoken 33 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Well, at least it doesn't leak a todal wave of blood every month . . .
Best Friends - Bear and Wolf 11 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
I think they can run faster, but a wolf can run much further.
dad no 6 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Hm, I always thought it was just my dad. I can literally hear him sneeze from across the house.
All this blood from a nose bleed 28 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
A lot of horses will blow their noses when they get nose bleeds, which would explain the splattering. (Still, though, thats a lot of blood for a nose bleed.)
I didn't write it but I couldn't have said it better! 32 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
The only thing that I'm not okay with is smoking. I mean, if you want to inhale poison then that is your choice but I don't like being subjected to second hand smoke.
· Edited 9 years ago
Things 37 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
True, people do need to learn how to protect themselves, but it's just nice to see something that is directed towards the offender rather than the victim.
6 · Edited 9 years ago
dog facts 12 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
What? Why?
"Cleaning out my son's room. This just feels so wrong" 8 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Why would you throw it out? Give it to the thrift store. (Or am I missing some sort of joke here?)
You never know someone's life 76 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Also, snugglebutt, I agree that abortion shouldn't be a form if birth control. But there are times (beyond those that are fatal to the mother, child, or both) where abortions are the only choice left.
You never know someone's life 76 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
You might be pro-life, but what happens when it's born? No one cares after that. As long as it lives, right?
I respect your pro-life beliefs, and I get where you're coming from, but please don't make me feel bad for the choices I've made. It's my body, my life, and I believe that woman need to have the right to choose what they do with it. That's why I'm pro-choice.
3 · Edited 9 years ago
You never know someone's life 76 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
You may go as far to say a stillborn? I'm sorry, but what does that mean.
I think it is fair enough that you are pro-life, but whether or not to have a baby should be a choice. I, personally, think that it is better to have an abortion than to bring an unwanted baby into an already overpopulated world. When I was sixteen I was having a rough time, and I made some pretty awful mistakes. One of which was getting pregnant. I was terrified and unprepared. My family was already barely getting by. I never intended on having kids when I was an adult, much less when I was a teenager. So I had 3 choices. I could keep the baby, knowing how I would eventually, through no fault of his/her own, resent him/her. I could give the baby up for adoption, but this planet is already overpopulated, and there are thousands of children looking for a home already. Besides, I wasn't ready to give birth, to go through high shook pregnant. So, yeah, I got an abortion.
2 · Edited 9 years ago
R.I.P Cecil (poaching is never acceptable) 21 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
To the people saying that he didn't poach Cecil, I think you need to go check your facts, because if you actually read the whole story, you might change your minds.
dog facts 12 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
But did someone keep them? (in reference to the dogs rescuing the soldiers).
Day 266 of your daily dose of cute: What even is sleep 7 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Mine too! I must have watched each episode a dozen times.
Shower thoughts 18 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
What if a mermaid gets legs and walks on land, becomes pregnant, and then becomes a mermaid again?
Canada 6 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
As a Canadian I feel like I should be insulted, but all I can do is think about the time that someone bumped into my friend, spilling her drink all over her, and she said sorry.
jesus henry PUT PRIVATE DOWN 11 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
I once went to a zoo where we got to go in the penguin encloser with them. Maybe it was something similar?
The Official Trailer for Mockingjay Part 2! 15 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Watching that actuallygave me chills. I honestly think that it's going to be the best Hunger Games movie yet.
Divorce lawyers after they heard same-sex marriage law 8 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
I'm not entirely sure. I guess because more people can get married which means more people can get divorced.
things like these make me feel good 8 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
He's not taking her shoes, heis giving her his shoes.
I started the show a lil late, so I'm felt the same thing. Until... Yeah. 6 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
Exactly my point. If main characters continuously die and come back, it's not really a big deal.
5 · Edited 9 years ago
I started the show a lil late, so I'm felt the same thing. Until... Yeah. 6 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
They might die, but they always come back. Isn't the same as straight up dying, if you ask me.
when you do something impressive and someone is not impressed 26 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
People on the internet who claim to be experts, huh? Sounds an awful lot like you. I'll take that advice and not believe what you say.
- Food denial was not mentioned. You brought that up, but nice attempt at twisting words.
- Just because they aren't born in the wild doesn't mean that's not where they'd want to be, given the choice.
- Most (if not all) attacks by killer whales are provoked attacks.
- Comparing them to dogs is laughable.
Hope you have a good day :)
when you do something impressive and someone is not impressed 26 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
No experience in the field? Right, because all the research I've done and (reliable) documentaries don't count as research? I apologize if I believe that it is wrong to take animals away from their natural habitat and put them in enclosures that aren't natural. So what if they live longer? I guarantee that if you could ask a whale (for example) if they would rather live in the wide open ocean, following their migration patterns, living among their pod or live in a tank and perform tricks (oh, I'm sorry, behaviors) but live a longer life, they would all rather be in their natural habitat. I'm sorry if I hate the fact that many get depressed and are unhappy. I'm sorry that I hate the fact that whatever research we do is rarely actually useful and we either have no buisness doing it or we're trying to fix problems that we created and/or save animals that we endangered. Yup, you're definitely right, I'm totally in the wrong for being against everything that you apparently stand for.
when you do something impressive and someone is not impressed 26 comments
rapunzel · 9 years ago
I always find it interesting that people take animals from their natural environment (yes, I am aware that some cannot survive in nature), put them in cages, and make them do tricks for food. Then when one of these animals injures or kills a person, we blame the animal and start calling it a "monster" or a "killer." It's things like that that really make me question humanity.