


— readmealullaby Report User
*sigh* Kids today 5 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I'm actually okay with this. There's even more wonder added to paper books because electronics are lacking. Yeah.
Faith in humanity restored 18 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
And it's worth fighting for.
So I went to church today 33 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Though you probably shouldn't protest any sin. It's a private matter, I think.
So I went to church today 33 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Atomiczombie, who are these gay couples you speak of?
So I went to church today 33 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
My suggestion is don't simply rely on other people's interpretation and consider the society the people are in.
So I went to church today 33 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I believe you're talking about Sodom and Gomorrah. People like to take that story and say that God hates gays so he burned down a city because they were the majority. But cities' sins were much more than that. They practiced temple prostitution, child sacrifice, people in the streets weren't safe because the citizens would rape anyone regardless of gender. Basically there were no morals and they made Vegas look like Salt Lake.
So I went to church today 33 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
That's exactly the attitude I try to spread in my church! It doesn't affect me at all and if they believe in God and have a relationship with him and still decide that's what they want to do then I can't say anything against that. It's their relationship with God, not mine.
Tumblr raising some interesting questions 17 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Sometimes people get aroused by certain things. You never know.
This is you 9 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Ambivert then?
What Bra Shopping Is Like 19 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I thought everyone has boobs like that.
Reality check 20 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
This isn't a very strong argument though. All those things take some kind of training and skill but anyone can murder without someone telling them how.
But Seriously Though.. 11 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
That keeps happening to me on this other site! It makes me mad
Tumblr raising some interesting questions 17 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Painfully true. You don't even have to live together. Even if it's not supposed to come and I hang out with my cousin on her period I get it the next day.
As a girl I can confirm that this is infact what we do 12 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I've been to a boy sleepover and all they did was talk about girls and stalk their facebooks. They also shot a peacock but that's unimportant.
Tumblr raising some interesting questions 17 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
But when girls spend a lot of time together their periods sync so wouldn't that apply to them?
Dandalf's interview with Smaug, Bilbo & Thorin 3 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I'm not a fluffy toy I'm a bloody psychopath.
Sad truth 39 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I remember that was one of the best piece of advice someone gave me. Before you look for Mr./Mrs. Right you should be Mrs./Mr. Right.
This is why you should never fry gnocchi 11 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Excuse me as I go and buy some gnocchi and oil. I need them for... stuff.
haha when it couldn't happen 36 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Sad truth 39 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I totally get her. I don't understand the use of a boyfriend/girlfriend while you're still in school. Just another distraction for me.
Equality in action 14 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Well, yay for equality?
Kanye West Pulls A Kanye On Beck's Album of the year 8 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
im still laughing at this. This plus Jayz's face of panic when he went up. Oh my Beyoncé I can't.
I just figured out that the boy I have a crush on from school is on funsubstance... .-. 121 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
At first I wondered if it could be me. Then I remembered I'm a homeschooled girl.
if anyone asks me out 9 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Because I'm very sure Moftiss makes Sherlock just for my feels.