

readmealullaby Report User
Lotr cake 6 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I think I just got a bonerd.
Black chain mail 12 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Lucky you.
Black chain mail 12 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
This isn't really a confession bear.
Crying 16 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Was that a pig?
Something to think about 78 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
But there are some women who get kidnapped and forced into prostitution.
Flying peac*cks 17 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
They can't fly for long periods of time and don't do it often but they do.
Kids nowadays....It makes me sad 40 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I dunno. It's not like it's their fault they were born in this generation. I mean, if a '90s kid was given a phonograph or old telephone when they were 12 they wouldn't completely understand it either.
Trapped inside 16 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I always wondered about stuff like this especially because I love piano and my teacher let me have lessons on scholarship for 8 years because she thought I had talent. And I just wondered how many other kids had talents and didn't have money or opportunity to let it out.
Quite frequent if you're hot 2 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Creds for that title.
An amazing photograph effect 13 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Can someone explain what double exposure is? I need to try this!
Tarzan & Jane cosplay 10 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
His dreads though.
Hard concepts to grasp 16 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Almond milk is the greatest milk they've made yet.
Hard concepts to grasp 16 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I was lactose intolerant when I was younger so my parents gave us soy milk while we were growing up but lately I've been drinking that milk that supposedly doesn't have lactose in it and haven't had any reactions. It's so good though and I can eat ice cream now so I guess it was a phase?
Hard concepts to grasp 16 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I always wondered that but it never stopped me from drinking cow's milk.
Best friend forever!!! 3 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
This movie was so creepy.
I mean, if we're going by the new testament, what's the issue with gays? 68 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I wish I could defend Christianity as a whole and say we don't convince people to believe in the life after death but unfortunately there are so many of them that just prove me wrong so all I can offer you is my own personal experience and belief. Which is, we shouldn't be convincing people to believe our convictions. Instead, if they're interested tell them and allow them to discover and discern and decide for themselves. I don't believe in life after death, honestly. I believe the dead are dead and know not anything as it says in Ecclesiastes and they will stay dead until God comes for the second advent. I also can't say who is going to heaven or hell in the end so all the protestors saying, "fags go to hell" have no right to decide that.
Unexpected friends 22 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Oh my!
I mean, if we're going by the new testament, what's the issue with gays? 68 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
But what's really so wrong with working towards being with someone you love? I think God wants to be with his people too or else he wouldn't be making a place for me in heaven. And I'm sorry but I don't see how it's dishonest. Though I do agree with you when you say it is prone to corruption of the most parasitic kind.
Hard to believe people like this exist 44 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I know! I hope you didn't think I was bringing down feminism, just pointing out the irony in her statements. It infuriates me when "feminists" bring down men.
Saw this on a church in cape town, south africa 28 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
Homophobic? The issue of "man shall not lie with man as with a woman" is brought only twice (to my knowledge at the moment). Some people say God was so homophobic that he burned two whole cities because there were so many gays. No, those cities were burned because they had been practicing religious prostitution, child sacrifice, and whether or not a visitor was male or female they would gang rape them to death.
Saw this on a church in cape town, south africa 28 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
As for sexist? There was Deborah who led the people of Israel through battle because she had been appointed by God to be the matriarch of her people. There was Anna, a prophetess who was present at Jesus' dedication and Miriam, the sister of Moses who led the Israelites with him and their brother Aaron, Esther who saved her people from total annihilation from the hand of Haman and there are so much more. And when God made Eve she was deemed the most beautiful of all his creations.
6 · Edited 10 years ago
Saw this on a church in cape town, south africa 28 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
How so? Ruth was a Moabite, a race that was generally looked down upon by the Hebrews and yet her story of unselfishness for her mother-in-law is in the Bible and how she and Boaz broke down racial barriers and married. She is a direct ancestor of Jesus. There was also Peter who had the vision of unclean animals being presented to him and God said "What I have cleansed, you are not to call common or unclean." This is often misinterpreted as saying we can eat whatever we want but it was referring to the Roman who came to Peter a few hours later asking for spiritual guidance. It was illegal for Peter, a Jew, to accept this Roman into his home but God said to disregard the Jewish law. Then of course there is the more popular story of the Good Samaritan and how despite racial prejudice he helped a Jew.
7 · Edited 10 years ago
Hard to believe people like this exist 44 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
"We're giving them a good start in life which they deserve over a baby boy which are already physically stronger than baby girls. …I have feminist views and I'm not ashamed to admit that." So you're a feminist who believes boys are already physically stronger than girls? And there are 56 people who agree with you? Congratulations.
I mean, if we're going by the new testament, what's the issue with gays? 68 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I've heard them described as "traffic laws" before. Like we have red means stop, green means go, which are laws that may or may not apply in the future.
I mean, if we're going by the new testament, what's the issue with gays? 68 comments
readmealullaby · 10 years ago
I hope you also realize that I'm not bashing whatever you believe or trying to insult you in anyway, I'd just like to clarify that that is what we believe and teach and follow to the best of our ability even though a majority of so-called Christians misrepresent us. Have a great day!