*replaying the same level in a video game for the hundredth time* 7 comments
· 9 years ago
What show/movie is this from?
Sending weirdly cropped photos 9 comments
Haha, ohh movies 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Sigrid and Tilda were created by PJ. Bain was the only child depicted in the book.
I want this to happen to me 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Well one of the biggest marching bands we have are 600+ people but theyre university. High we have like maybe 200+? My band has 180+ people.
Every nurses wet dream 29 comments
How music reading works 22 comments
· 10 years ago
@taeminneah theyre right above. if you want something with a smaller airstream go with flute but it has a strange embrocure. Once you get it its fine. Clarinet is probably your best bet because its has a steady airstream and somewhat simple embrocure. Sax is harder with an moderatly easy embrocure. it takes alot of air from your gut and getting high notes and really low notes is trickey. I know this from experience cause I just started saxophone jist over a month ago but to be quite honest, learning saxophone isnt as hard as clarienet or flute. I double as flute and it takes more precision. I wouldnt reccomend sax because of the dizzyness you spoke of.
I definitely know guys like this 9 comments
uhhh okay 43 comments
Just a regulary 87 years old man 11 comments
everyone wasn't the h I MEAN THEY'RE sO COSY 13 comments