

— Roanoke Report User
A true bro 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I want the turtles to know that I too have a brush.
Like teddy bears...Etc 17 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I think if Disney created the character just to sell product the would have had the product out in time for Christmas. I’d guess someone lost their job for not anticipating that. They are missing out on copious revenues because they missed the Christmas window.
I’m not saying that’s not a thing the do (create/refine characters based on how much product the character will sell), just saying they had no idea about this one.
I bet it only opens if you use a credit card 19 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Ah, finding something very easy, that other people find at least a little challenging is exactly what it means to have a talent for it.
I’m not trying to say that driving a manual is so unreachably difficult, I’m just saying you can’t learn it if you’re never exposed.
I bet it only opens if you use a credit card 19 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Um, well, you can’t learn to drive a vehicle you don’t have access to.
Also, driving is not something you take lightly. It needs to be taught by a skilled driver, not by trial and error after reading about or watching a video. When you make a mistake driving people can be hurt or killed.
Did you learn to drive without being taught?
I bet it only opens if you use a credit card 19 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Also, let’s address the fact that if millennials don’t know how to drive stick, it’s because their parents (boomers or early xers) didn’t teach them!!
How do you learn if you don’t have exposure?
This is absurd, honestly 15 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Sure. But that stuff has to be paid for. Either directly or via taxes. People hate taxes, but I’d rather pay more than have a population of hungry kids.
This is absurd, honestly 15 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I would personally be happy to pay for kids to eat lunch or go in field trips or whatever. I don’t have the extra income, but I would gladly sacrifice for kids to have the experience/food.
Unfortunately 2 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I wish we didn’t have to demonize one format or the other. Like hey everyone, they both have benefits—and different people have better outcomes with different formats.
I know I learn better reading from a physical paper book and I love books. I’m also reading a book 75% of the time I’m looking at my phone.
Lyre of the Fallen Angel 5 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I sorta want to make one of my own...
No surprise then that he's also a Flat-Earther. 44 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Problem with your challenge is, I have done research. And not just the sort where I simply confirm what I already believe. I had to make certain there wasn’t a risk to my son.
It was important that I investigate both sides so I could understand what I needed to do to protect my child. I went into the research concerned that vaccines might hurt my child.
So I have yet to see any legitimate research, conducted by actual scientists, using unbiased methodology that supports ANY of the claims you made above. However, I have seen a good deal of actual research that objectively refutes the claims you’ve made.
Don’t tell me to do some research; when your sources aren’t real/accurate/legitimate.
No surprise then that he's also a Flat-Earther. 44 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Interesting and guest have done a great job using actual research and explaining things. Just need to add one important thing.
Many vaccines, including the oft cited MMR are in fact, intentionally, NOT patented. Meaning that no one is making money on these. This isn’t bout profits and capitalism. Because there isn’t a profit to be made. Treating a patient with a deadly disease is much more profitable than giving a vaccine. Moreover, vaccines are giving during well-patient visits which means the doctor can’t bill for it. The patient doesn’t pay and the insurance company only provides a stipend to pay for costs.
Harper, go into the world and seek some information that doesn’t simply support your confirmation bias. Do some actual balanced research. And before you say it, I have. I know about Vaxxed(I remember when it came out)—you want to talk about propaganda!!
No surprise then that he's also a Flat-Earther. 44 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Also Harper, maybe you don’t have kids and that’s why you don’t care if they die.
I have a kid, and I am grateful every day that I don’t have to worry about disease crippling or killing him (they way parents did before they had access to vaccines).
I don’t know where you devise this crap about “fake empathy” or wtf that even means, but you sir, do not get to have rights at the expense of every one else’s rights.
No surprise then that he's also a Flat-Earther. 44 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Okay. So “political agendas” aside, Why do you value the right to watch watch your children get sick from preventable disease?
Also, what do you say to staunch conservatives who firmly support vaccination?
No surprise then that he's also a Flat-Earther. 44 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Honey, liberals aren’t trying to do this. People who don’t want to watch their children suffer and die are trying to stop you from taking their right to healthy communities.
You are here whining about “your right” to abuse your children and endanger everyone else’s and you don’t even see that no one is trying to steal your rights, they are protecting their rights.
If you don’t want to be a part of society than leave it, don’t whine about how you don’t have the right to explicitly ruin everyone else’s life.
Why do you want the right to allow your children to get deathly ill from preventable disease?
This family's portrait carving out some fun came across on my Facebook page 3 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Nah. That’s some weird shit.
Photoshopper has some thoughts 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah but that’s his whole schtick. He does literally what they ask in way that is completely not what they intend.
Hold on. What the absolute f**k is this? 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I like how he doesn’t address the very likely reality that the other person may not be interested in being the sexual object in this interesting and colorful scenario. Like the person she cheated with may very well have to be tied up too.
No surprise then that he's also a Flat-Earther. 44 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
@harperfan7 what are you even talking about? This isn’t a liberal/conservative issue. No one is trying to deprive you the right to watch your children contract polio and die or become paralyzed, or become sterilized by measles or mumps or whatever. However, the general population is asking you not to deprive them the right to avoid preventable disease.
We have a great luxury, living in a time when people don’t regularly die or become maimed by disease.
Scratching your name on a Rhinoceros 8 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah. She looks pretty sickly.
No surprise then that he's also a Flat-Earther. 44 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Let’s also not forget that PE (i.e. mandated exercise) is also required.
Flip flops and socks though... Easily undone 3 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I’ll bet they are stockings and she has heels in her purse—the flip flops are just for walking to her destination. You see a lot of fancy ladies walking in flip flops or little slip on shoes that are easiest stashed so they can switch to heels when they are done walking a couple miles.
Just a guess. She could just have horrible taste.
Why Americans Tip (probably) 3 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
A couple days ago, I was paying my bar tab, which was like $9.50 and I laid $10 down, know that I had a couple dollars tucked in another pocket but the bar tender was too fast and he took the tray to close out the bill (because I asked him to close the tab) but I was like wait, I’m not gonna treat you that way, I have a tip for you. (I’m in the US, where these folks work for tips). So the guy next to me was like ‘what? Are you trying to get a discount?’ And I was just like “what?” Cause, yo, the bartender deserved to be paid for his work... like what else is my angle? I was leaving...
Denis you muppet. 13 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Author isn’t using his penis with the vagina if he thinks you can go without washing it. Also, to that point, the vagina washes itself—you aren’t supposed to use shower gel and what not.
Adorable story 10 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
When I was a kid in Florida (15-20 years ago) my single mother who made $13/hour took her two kids to Disney. It was, when the girl in the photo was going on the regular, attainable. And I can see how you might not be able to go five times a year if tickets cost $40 each time, but the season pass was like $55 (15-20 years ago).
And, I don’t want to discredit your struggle, but being able to spend $500 for a family of 3 to vacation doesn’t make you rich. Maybe it makes you more comfortable. Maybe it makes you middle class. But it is not rich. Not in the US anyway. I understand that the scale may be different in other countries.
Someone already tried something similiar 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
You must have access to high speed Internet in your area.