

— Roanoke Report User
The truth about relationships 8 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
You must hold it carefully, with your teeth!
So you’re saying she’s a space pirate? 1 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Its a wig?
What are your thoughts on this? 20 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I think what the fellow on the left meant to say was, “prejudice based on your skin color *probably* has not had the same kind of impact on your life and relationships as it has had on mine.”
The comic is accurate, and regardless of skin color/sex/religion/etc you will face prejudice at some point. But it’s important to acknowledge that some groups of people are profoundly more hindered/affected by it.
Tell me this ain't wrong. 2 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
My life rn. Can’t wait until they pull real internet into the area.
Ah shit, here we go again 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I’m watching you.
Point though 10 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Also, this seems like more of that ‘she should cover herself from my male urges’ shit. Manage your thinking dude. It’s not someone else’s responsibility to to remind you that other people’s bodies are not your right.
User experience 1 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Good design accounts for user experience.
What you guys think? 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
He’s in Demolition Man!!
But I think he started as a basketball player. I don’t think he did a lot of movies.
Knitting the Weather 15 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I’ve seen another of these. It’s a really cool idea. It makes me want to make one too.
114 cats...Pshhhh 5 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
It’s a good thing the cats don’t know this.
What if pigeons had eyes in the front of their head... 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
It’s terrifying.
Guys this is it... :( 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
They did it to themselves.
Substance abuse comes in many forms 9 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I saw that too and wondered if it was for the pizza or the coke.
About every 6 months 7 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Now I gotta go make toast, with butter.
Wasn't a accident 12 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
But it could be a gooood idea.
Happy caturday 8 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Indeed. But now I’m watching you...
Happy caturday 8 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Thought you were in my home for a minute. That looks a lot like my cat and I have a couch the same color.
Unspoken rules 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I’m starting to think that some folks don’t understand and this keeps showing up as way to inform them.
If this isn't me right now 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I couldn’t have panic-bought toilet paper if I wanted to... the store near me is out...
I feel like this is some kind of joke. Why is everyone buying so much toilet paper?!
Happy Birthday, Natalie Portman Mathilda (Leon) by Kuvshinov-Ilya 9 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah. It was released under a different name in the US than other countries.
Quicksand, lava-floors, vampires, alien invasions. The usual suspects 8 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I did. Then I realized that I lived on one of the triangles points. And it was weird, but not supernatural.
Happy Birthday, Natalie Portman Mathilda (Leon) by Kuvshinov-Ilya 9 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah, Portman is 12 in that movie. There’s some scandal because she lied about her age when they did the casting call.
I wonder why? 9 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
@nelson, I’m not sure what priests you’re hanging out, but the Catholics/episcopal don’t prohibit alcohol, and in fact specifically include it. I know there are some Protestant/fundamentalist groups that do prohibit alcohol, but they don’t usually call their leaders “priest”
Nek 5 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Wtf is going on here?
I wonder why? 9 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Catholic and episcopal priests most certainly do.