

— Roanoke Report User
Wine chart 13 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
It’s like when you eat something and you think it tastes like [chicken]. The wines don’t actually have chocolate or citrus or cherry in them, but they have flavors/scents that are similar.
Personally, I’m a fan of the heavy tannic wines. I like the deep dark bold flavors. Though I can’t abide a Syrah/Shiraz.
Straight to ambiguity. 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I don’t know. That was a pretty hilarious post. That rectangle!!
Some people ask a lot of those around them 7 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah. Also, you have to feed chicks for months until they get to a point in which they can produce. There’s a lot of work that goes into an egg laying chicken. And it’s super crappy to get upset that someone didn’t want to just give you a third of their flock.
Meta 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Quarantine is actually an Italian word, from quarantina, meaning forty days. The practice started during the Black Plague, when ships would dock, they had to wait 40 days before they were allowed to leave the shipyard and enter the city. The word was used much later in the 17th century.
Could you imagine being stuck on a 17th century boat for an additional 40 days?
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Bullets are the only side effect you will experience 3 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
The author of that book, “what if” has an online strip, XKCD [dot] com. It’s really great. Highly recommend.
True 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah. I’m not having a hard time with the quarantine. ...
Best neighbor ever!!!! 2 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah. We did this too. Except it was actually low on battery. And it beeped so long that we stopped hearing it. But then occasionally someone new would turn up and be like, omg how can you stand it?!? We eventually changed it, so we didn’t die in a fire. But yeah. You can get used to most anything.
Woke up to find a stray chicken nesting on our grill this morning 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Chickens are fun like that. They wander all around. And they will just decide to live some place different. Or lay eggs some place crazy or random.
Pulling s sneaky 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
“Dracula scholars”
Rolls since quarantine 5 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Dear God, they wasted the precious paper writing on it!!?
Aw yeh 15 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I’m with you, in that I largely disagree with the way our taxes are spent (but I doubt we disagree on the same points). And while income taxes don’t support those things entirely, they are a part of it.
And don’t get me wrong, I’m not in love with the taxes, especially not the way they are used. But I do believe that taxes are necessary.
Aw yeh 15 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I’m not sure I can call it rent, but taxes are essential and they pay for things we all use.
I suspect you drive on the roads. And benefit from being in a society with people who are at least minimally educated. Our taxes pay for CDC, a crucial organization in this pandemic. And supporting infrastructure in other countries is actually beneficial to us.
You like to call people to the mat and insult them for regurgitating this or that, but you do the same. You talk about how everything you disagree with is dumb and then when someone calls you out, you throw in some misdirection, more insults or just plain ignore it.
Barnum's Animal Crackers are no longer in a cage, apparently 7 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
They changed it a couple years ago. It was a big thing.
Aw yeh 15 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
The math isn’t right here. If you paid $35k in taxes, you probably aren’t eligible for the $1200. (Or at least the entire $1200). Just sayin.
I'll take 30 5 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yes. I will take.
Why is this even a debate 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
You should read some of the studies. Because, just like the economic impact is not so simple as a little dip in the stock market, the environmental impact is not so simple as the end times. Irreparable damage is not the same as the end of times.
Why is this even a debate 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
So, just wondering, what’s you background? What industry/science/agriculture do you work in/study/have involvement with?
No one here said anything about polar bears nor the amazon (except you). I did mention measurable changes to growing patterns/seasons/yields, that people who make their living in agriculture report. People who, in this red state, are by no means even tolerant of hippies and liberals. So, what’s your point? Just because some folks are extreme, anyone who says the bridge isn’t invincible is over-reacting?
Why is this even a debate 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah, let’s listen to the bridge experts, not the gunpowder experts, when we decide whether the bridge is fine or not. Because the bridge experts, aka climate scientists (not climate change scientists) are telling us to make changes. They aren’t saying we need to halt all progress. They are saying if we don’t make changes we will be facing a disaster, the likes of which we’ve never experienced.
Thanks, al! 2 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Futurama had a great crossover episode where Leela (voiced by the actress that played Peggy) married an alien and she started calling him Al. And they had the same arguments and it was just great.
Just when I think my life is together the underwear goes and scuppers it all up 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yes. Because once I notice, I can’t help but be aware. It ruins the whole day.
Why is this even a debate 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Totally agree. We should not listen to brainwashed high school dropouts. But hey, we should probably listen to scientists that have dedicated the last 40 years of their lives to this study. And while science is never settled, there are obvious trends.
Everyone likes to talk about how we can’t disrupt the economy and agriculture (see above), but maybe y’all aren’t living in an agricultural area to see how dramatically climate change is absolutely impacting the local economy and agriculture. It is absolutely man made and you can talk to old farmers that have been farming the land for decades and they are not liberal hippies but they realize that climate change is real because it effects the crops that they grow year after after.
Why is this even a debate 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Sorry, I think you don’t realize this, but I didn’t suggest we destroy economy, industry and agriculture. What I did say, is that climate change is important and if we don’t pay attention we aren’t going to have to worry about economy, industry and agriculture.
In other words, if you drive the car off the cliff, it won’t matter if the tire is flat or not. So, let’s go ahead and maintain the bridge because if it goes out, the quality of our tires won’t matter.
Why is this even a debate 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Speaking of regurgitating [insert derogatory descriptor]...
I think the bit about the stock market taking a little dip is purposefully downplaying the weight of the changes. Yeah, it’s a lot more complicated than a little dip. But also, none of it will matter if the planet’s ecosystems collapse, or we all starve to death or all die of rampant disease.
Again, it’s not a zero sum game. Just because we take climate change seriously doesn’t mean we all have to become vegan hippies. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
Introverts be like 8 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I will only remember your name and/or face if you demonstrate personality. Since it takes people a while to get to that point, it frequently means I have forgotten your name...
Is it opossum or possum? 9 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
New world= opossum
Old world= possum