

— Roanoke Report User
Thanks but that isn’t really relevant to my lifestyle choices! 3 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
There have been suggestions that the presence of toxins in paints is to blame for some of the erratic behavior exhibited by artists (e.g. Van Gogh’s ear). Many artists crushed and mixed their own pigments and was/is not uncommon to use your lips to smooth the tip of the brush.
In addition to the blue of cobalt and bright white of lead, cadmium makes a lovely red, barium a yellow, mercuric sulfide also red or orange, chromium oxide a green... so many lovely pigments from beautiful toxins.
Warning, scarysub! 12 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Oh! Because we think that planned parenthood is all about abortion and disregard the life-saving health services it provides (predominantly impoverished) women!
I could probably enjoy the joke if it weren’t that so many people really believe that.
Warning, scarysub! 12 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Why is planned parenthood involved?
trap 8 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
This seems like the sort of thing that doesn’t need a gender split. I’ll admit, I’m not a real gamer so maybe there’s nuance that sets one gender at an advantage over the other... but I feel like it is not so.
Fishy Fun Day #32: Storytime Edition 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
When I was young I got a betta. My mom asked me what I wanted to name it and I said Mister Betta! She wouldn’t let me name it that, because it sounded too much like another word (which she wouldn’t tell me, but that I would get some day).
Well, now I get it, but I’m still irritated. Mister Betta was a good name for him.
Anon gambles efficiently 2 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I had the same question. I guess it means go back to 10%
Would you go? 8 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
How can these people say no?!?
Fishy Fun Day #29: Guessing Game Edition 34 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Scorpio fish?
404: Not found 1 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Do you wonder if someone bought all the drinks in that row so they could take this photo?
Fishy Fun Day #29: Guessing Game Edition 34 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Sorry, perfectionists 7 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I kinda love it. I’ll bet it was awful to build.
Word Game - Entry 10 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I notice they are slightly different, and I imagine the Japanese version uses the traditional character, whereas most who speak Chinese use simplified characters. Simplified Chinese was introduced in the 1950s. I think the borrowed characters that the Japanese use are all traditional Chinese characters. (Also used in Taiwan)
Word Game - Entry 10 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah. They share some characters. So in this case the first character (黑 hei in Chinese) is the part of the word that describes black specifically (which is the part that is written the same) and the second character (色 se) is what describes it as a color (e.g. red is 红色,Hong se; blue is 蓝,lan se; etc). I imagine it is the same for Japanese.
I am fascinated by these shared characters that are written the same but sound different.
Word Game - Entry 10 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
黑色 (hei se)
Nothing better than a blumpkin 9 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
There’s so many layers of wtf here.
And I was so busy being bewildered by the content of the photo that I didn’t even think about the reality that a third person was involved in this.
Oh... The irony! 2 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Or simply the lack of tolerance for people who are trying to speak another language. So many Americans only speak one language and then they get all indignant when people around them don’t speak two or three!!
Step 1 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
That poor bird is dead.
A CVS being self-aware 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Well, it costs a lot more. It’s cheaper to do it they way they do. And, if they preprinted the receipts, the specials A. Could not be tailored to the individual making the purchase and B. Could not change as frequently as they like.
To do a custom print on something like that is cost prohibitive without producing huge quantities.
A CVS being self-aware 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Not if they want a dynamic print. Most receipts are printed on thermal paper, so they don’t use ink but heat to print text. The paper has to be coated in order to be reactive. It costs more to get the equipment that can print two sides and paper that is coated on two sides than it does to just print extra paper.
Generally when you see receipts with print on both sides, one side is a repeating pattern that is printed on the paper with ink before it is spooled and the dynamic/variable content is printed on the thermal sensitive side.
Word Game - Entry 7 13 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
运气 (yunqi)
This one is tough, lucky has so many connotations. There are a lot of variants.
Balter 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
This is the only dancing I am capable of.
shred every boomer down to the last atom 18 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Those values are good for some people. And you should go ahead and live by them. Not everyone feels that way. We don’t live in the same world that developed those values.
We need representation of broad perspectives because your beliefs and values matter, and so do mine.
shred every boomer down to the last atom 18 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
It is a problem because it is not balanced. The wisdom and knowledge of older and more experienced people is invaluable. However, the fresh perspective that comes from gathering knowledge during is also invaluable.
We need the perspectives of older people and we also need the perspectives of younger people. Both are vital. That is the problem with the model.
Don't give people like this your attention 5 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I’m so disconnected. Who is this guy?
Yo best thing ever 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Y’all, that’s so adorable.