

— Roanoke Report User
What foreigners are afraid of in Canada vs what Canadians are scared of 12 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
You can just toss it afterward. :)
Mars, or die 8 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I’m sure he would have terms. And probably it would be okay.
I also think that people aren’t caught up in idea that you have to pay it back. That’s how loans work, and for most people that means working to earn the money.
This issue is, than he is holding the loan *and* the job. There’s no options. If I work somewhere that treats me poorly or misuses my skills or maybe I just hate it, I can move to a different organization. Or maybe I become a very valuable asset and earn the organization an increasing amount of money. And maybe the employer, who is making interest off my loan and money on my labor is not interested in giving me a raise appropriate to my contribution and there’s nothing I can do about it because there’s nowhere else to work on Mars and I am indentured until the loan is paid.
What foreigners are afraid of in Canada vs what Canadians are scared of 12 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I don’t know if it works on geese, but chickens will back down pretty quickly if you try to grab them. Attacks make them aggressive but they seem to loose their spine when faced with hands that grab.
Mars, or die 8 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I think the hang up is that he is offering the loans and controls the available jobs on Mars.
If I get a loan from Bank of America, I have a lot of work options not controlled by Bank of America to earn the money to pay it back.
The duality of wolf 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I had some tadpoles in a kiddie pool this summer. It was meant to be a nursery pool for ducklings and once they were old enough to go to the pond, the chickens would drink from the pool. Usually I dumped it every few weeks and filled it with fresh water, but with all the tadpoles, I had to settle for overfilling it it enough to filter the water some. It was fun watching them grow.
Also, in the 90s there was a drink called Orbitiz. That was more like drinking tadpoles than bubble tea. It was great.
A letter from the kindergarten teacher, hard to keep it together while reading it out 5 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Why would you list the letters BDS&M in that order when it is not the order you are listing the explanations (starts with “secure”) and not alphabetical?
2020 made me a Negatron 2 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
These illustrations are so good too
The 'cold' filter 2 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
That quiet too. There’s something so surreal about it.
His science doesn't match My science! 1 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
*his science doesn’t match My beliefs
O.K 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I keep getting the “lawful” things...
1 · Edited 3 years ago
Ignorance is bliss ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I love these stories!
Reminds me of that time in high school when I had a falling out with some friends and one of them told the whole school I was gay, but I didn’t really think that was an insult, or care if people thought I was. It didn’t really occur to me that I was denying them the reaction, but in retrospect I am especially pleased to have denied them.
We gonna play?? (Pitbull Puppy) 6 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I can hear his nails clicking on that floor. <3
Possible drab mind-blowing Dogfish 3 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Trick is, get a high enough quality knife that you don’t want to put it the sink or the dishwasher. Then you only set it aside and it is still there when you realize you still need it.
A person using a good quality, sharp knife is also less likely to cut themselves.
roanoke · 3 years ago
Nope. Not really
After looking at the ways to boost miles per gallon, this is the best one. ^_^ 1 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I can see why a deer would recommend this...
Wakey wakey... I guess 6 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I really hope it is not real, because it sounds so hyperbolic, but I feel like I’ve talked to real live people who really believe and act on some of things. So I can’t discount it as not real and it makes me sad— not just for the family that suffered along side but for the fear and anxiety that the people suffering like this right now are experiencing.
How the turntables 2 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I work for a financial institution, so this was a really crazy transition from absolutely no masks or face coverings allowed to masks are allowed, to please wear a mask (or masks are required by order blah blah blah— depending on the county ).
Something I took awhile ago. Been nervous to post 3 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
heuchera, also known as coral bells or alumroot. The latter for its properties as a mordant used in dying.
Dividing up the bed 1 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
If you moved the cat district to the lower left that would represent my bed... except for the pillows. We each have at least two and those are undisputed. Any additional pillows may be of questionable ownership.
If this movie didn't affect you, get help 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
^true story. Highly recommend you watch it.
Sad 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
It sneaks up on you too.
If this movie didn't affect you, get help 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
One of my all-time favorites. And, this is a Stephen King story. (Always surprises me)
We wanna be by you 6 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I don’t understand... why share the bed if you don’t want to snuggle?
Mythic cut ritzy Clam 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I was hoping for something funny or witty. That joke is just lazy... also, just a guess but OP is going through that door either.