

— Roanoke Report User
Fill in the blank 2 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Land of the free 17 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
True story
Michael’s craft store is a gem 5 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Yeah, mohair seems like a bad call for this. Maybe angora, or silk. Even cotton would be better.
Men can! 11 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
@thatguyyouknow I get where you’re coming from. I think we have a lot of exposure to the loudest most obnoxious segment and it can really ruin the value of the movement. There are some people out there shouting about feminism in toxic cancerous ways. And I found that I was quite averred to the movement myself.
But it’s a bigger story and some of those ideas are important—essential to a healthy society. They are the ideas from the people who fought so that women could be doctors/lawyers/professionals, vote, have credit cards and own homes.
We continue to need these ideas and champions because we aren’t a perfect society and we still have things to work on. Don’t let the voices of the bad actors color your perception of powerful and visionary thinkers.
Save the damst bees 4 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Pretty much wherever you are, you can find a bee keeper willing to help you remove/relocate bees for little to no cost (depending on the situation — I know in some situations where contract labor or supplies must be acquired there is larger cost passed on).
If you have trouble tracking someone down, you can reach out to the American Bee-keeping Federation for help/contacts.
But there’s no need to hurt the bees. :)
Different strokes, and all that jazz 6 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Yeah, I sorta think that too. You don’t eat your dog because it is your friend. There is the small matter of the coevolution shared by dogs and humans. I imagine that has a role in why we don’t typically eat them.
But also, pigs are really smart and charming. They do make good pets. I don’t think I could raise meat pigs. I worry that I would have a hard time eating them.
Bats - fuzzy squeak dragons 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Where I live, we actually have a big problem with humans spreading disease to bat populations. A few years back many caves were closed to visitors in an effort to protect the bats.
Daily dose of history, part 13 8 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
You had to grow your own tomato
Accurate? 2 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Dear lord. What a nightmare
What Goes Up, Must Dumb-Down 6 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
So apparently this murdering a person in a hotel and stuffing them in a suitcase to dispose of them is pretty common. I went I. Search of the article but there are too many cases like this.
Bones are wet? Ima rope 29 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
True, (no accounting for taste) but any mammal blood will substitute the leavening effect of eggs. :)
I do not control the speed in which Roanoke expands! 3 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Whatever it takes to get the job done
6 points. I never choose the thug life .. 78 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Bones are wet? Ima rope 29 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Does not have to be human.
Susan, could you get your beast under control? 5 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I love how angry this cat is
I do not control the speed in which Roanoke expands! 3 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
That caught me off guard.
Finally a routine that works 10 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Ooof. That’s rough.
Finally a routine that works 10 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Taking antihistamine before exposure helps. And getting incremental exposure is key. I usually start with 10 minutes a day in the spring for a week or two and increase it 5-10 minutes until I stop getting hives...
He’s right though 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.
Finally a routine that works 10 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Definitely a believer in the last two. Game changer, for sure. And the one about sun. Get some sun
It's a sign! 29 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
They know their business.
No more fighting just love between fellow anime fans 6 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I love to watch the difference too. I know the fun had to mean the same thing and match the speaking, but I like to see the difference.
Love is Love 6 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Except for the White’s tree frog. AKA the dumpy tree frog. The actually have get fat. They can get so fat that the chub covers up their ear spots.
Psychologists are looking into it 1 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Someone has never stayed in a hotel for a long business trip. Looking like your dressing from a suitcase isn’t what most call professional.
One of you degens uses ketchup to take pills.... Clogged 20 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Apparently I am solidly lawful, since I regularly use each of these methods for swallowing pills.